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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    ur so gay is not meant to be a hit towards the gays. this has been discussed many times. she is not homophobic because i love her.
  2. Furik

    how do you know she isn't homophobic? btw, katy perry is not. she made 'firework' for the gays. it's true.
  3. Furik

    If you thought the idea of parents paying $4,000 for their kid to be in a music video (like Rebecca Black) was downright idiotic, the company behind her is still cashing in on "daddies monies". Here's the video for the next, and hopefully, viral star. 9UCdcW0RgII
  4. Furik

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppEisP2N ... page#t=52s watchable wizardry video with zan in it (kind of loud, turn down speakers)
  5. Furik

    Previews of the album? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0058X ... 207&sr=8-1
  6. Furik

    pretsy change your avatar. scares the hell out of me.
  7. Furik

    Honestly, this sounds really interesting!
  8. Furik

    I've been invited too but I haven't got an invite in my e-mail and I keep checking the Plus website but... nothing. I'm really eager to try it out. I'm gonna give a farewell salute to Twitter and Facebook, being the Googler I am.
  9. Furik

    Bigger: Also, if i'm reading it correctly, it's a remix of AMON and the re-recorded ZAN. Anyone who plays this Wizardry game should confirm what this version of ZAN is like. (Soure)
  10. Furik

    Britney Spears - Til The World Ends (Remix) (feat. Nicki Minaj & Ke$ha)
  11. So you're punishing us with your hiatus because some of the news information you posted was not of interest to us? Selfish. Regardless I always looked forward to your news. You posted it here before ANYWHERE else and I found you a legendary and important member to the forum.
  12. Hello everyone. I'm in the process of developing an official mobile app for Monochrome Heaven, our favorite forum but I need your help! I have the tech side covered (files, design, transferring) but I want to know what type of content you'd like to see! Of course it'll have access to the forum but i'd like to put the Shoutbox in there too. Should it be more "social" than the forum? Should we be able to make profiles/etc? Or keep it as it is? Admin/Mods: If you'd like to help me, please get in contact with me (Twitter, last.fm, PM). I've somewhat had the okay but to make this a reality, I need help with transferring files over to the domain and such to make the app active. I don't have an ETA but since i'm a busy guy with work M-F,9-5 and coming home to feed/spend time with the husband, I would say, once this project is officially in route, maybe by the fall. Anyway, i've made a poll to see what users use when it comes to smartphones. Select the one you use and we'll go from there to get an idea of how in-depth I should develop this app. You can select 2 options (ex. I have an Android but also have an iPod) Regardless, i'm making an Android and iPhone app since my daily phone is an Android and I have like two iPod touch's and an iPad laying around so i'll make an iOS app (iPad app might be difficult since I have to make the app bigger than normal). Let's have at it.
  13. Furik

    Zan - ultimate dragonslayer knight version- (+ horns, horns and Moar HORNS)
  14. Furik

    well thats gay.
  15. Furik

    http://turntable.fm/ I'm "DJ Furik". Let's play music together. Join my room. http://turntable.fm/jrock5 (If you need an invite, tell me!)
  16. Furik

    nvm http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_i ... 9511478851
  17. Furik

    first ive heard of this remix and its appearance in a mmorpg. lol wtf
  18. Furik

  19. Furik

    Album leaked.
  20. Furik

    So excited!
  21. Furik

    ^ r u sure about that fb has been slowly dying
  22. Furik

  23. Furik

    Lady Gaga - Government Hooker
  24. Furik

    Too short to tell if I am going to like it. Will wait.
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