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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    I will give it a try. Really enjoyed Kyouiku and Adult. Some of Variety and Sports but their first two albums were solid.
  2. Furik

    Didn't like their fourth album. Not giving this a try.
  3. Furik

    that was hot
  4. Furik

    ^ Well. For the most part - yeah.
  5. Furik

    I'll be the only honest one here and say that I haven't bought an album since Between the Buried and Me's 2009 The Great Misdirect. I RARELY buy music unless I really want to. For example, I plan on buying Dir en grey's MOO and BTBAM's upcoming album this fall. I guess it depends on the band itself and how available an album is. Most Japanese music I just download because I can't afford their constant releasing and I know a LOT of places to download. Now with American music, it's easier to access and they don't release stuff all the fucking time. So it's affordable.
  6. Furik

    I never really cared for their look but, my god, they look like a Sadie/SKULL/born/Ayabie/alice nine band.
  7. Thanks. I asked because I read a translation that said that the contract ended, but not that it was early. It doesn't say anything about ending early, only that it ended. So who knows. They were still on contract, it never ended, the band terminated the contract.
  8. Furik

    Need more VERSUS less ROUGE
  9. I can't believe all the TANATOS hate. Sure it wasn't as good as their two mini albums but it's still a good release.
  10. http://www.smile-co.jp/ I know smile company manages them. I think avex just distributes.
  11. Furik

    I'm somewhat neutral when it comes to Satsuki's solo stuff. Some is good, some is REALLY bad.
  12. Whatever. Pretty pissed. They don't seem to be on the set schedule like everyone else with the single, album, single, single, album. You know what I mean? So who knows when we'll get a new album/mini.
  13. Furik

    As much as I hope for a comeback, I really don't see it happening. It would be amazing as hell though. Maybe just a couple "national" shows.
  14. Furik

    i dont recognize a lot of songs on that list. hmmm. but fuck yeah - social faker!
  15. Furik

    It's not true. http://arts.nationalpost.com/2011/06/23 ... -reps-say/
  16. http://www.okmagazine.com/2011/06/bam-m ... -accident/
  17. There are laws in Japan which prohibit the depiction of penetration in any pornographical format. That's why in hentai the private parts are always blurred out. Coincidentally, this is the reason why tentacle rape really began, but that soon became censored as well. Man, they are missing out on some good stuff. Poor guys.
  18. DEATHGAZE + AYABIE?! I'm so excited!
  19. Furik

    ^ I bet you liked that shit-sterpiece "Peacock" too, huh?
  20. Furik

    Teenage Dream was a p.o.s. One of the Boys was one of the better pop albums recently.
  21. ^ Was that towards Roger Ebert?
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