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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    Back in '06, I started buying domestic releases like Dir en grey and girugamesh. However, since then, I kind of stopped because too many were being released and I couldn't keep buying them.
  2. Furik

    After many listens, and taking some time with it, i've come to accept BTW for what it is. I admit that I like it. A lot.
  3. Furik

    Hopefully they do Earthbound covers
  4. Furik

    How did Converge get in this thread? Yeah Merry are nowhere near Converge. If anything, you should take into consideration that Merry looks up to the Mad Capsule Markets, Balzac and Boøwy. I can definitely see the influences but no Converge. off topic Off topic but i'd totally tap Jacob Bannon. Simply gorgeous. /off topic
  5. Furik

    Of course their recent "MERRY" singles will be on the new album. They'd be making a bad decision not to!
  6. Furik

    Huh, I just received my invite! Happy birthday, from Google!
  7. most random news ive read in all my years on this earth
  8. Furik

    we all want invites. but unlike how they did with gmail, only google can send out the invites. still waiting on mine. boyfriend has his already. damnit.
  9. its going to be beautiful
  10. Furik

    not new sorry. but still good song.
  11. also the sample sounds.. alright. weird but alright.
  12. i want that man's ass.
  13. Furik

    Glad it's a compilation of their singles! But no "FLARE"?
  14. Furik

    Jesus fucking Christ. Took long enough.
  15. Furik

    Been waiting for my invite for weeks. I'm tired of using Amazon for cloud streaming,
  16. Furik

    this is cool and all but new mini or album pls
  17. http://www.tomscott.com/stupidfight/#di ... thegazette Found this interesting website. You type in bands/celebrities Twitter names and it'll calculate the insane fans they have. Check it out.
  18. yes. They just released their long awaited EP "Never Be Content" in March. It's SO GOOD. Skrillex can suck it. They are on tour with one of the bigger names in electronica right now Penulum. Their original synth player left so this new EP is INCREDIBLY different - swaying away from their rock roots and concentrating more on their production skills. Check them out. You won't be disappointed. Their self-titled debut album is a good start. It's emo-ish but if you want to grind on a ho, listen to their new EP. JlhtNfTHZCk lM7XgAmcXp8 VERY NIN
  19. Furik

    Most Hot Topics and FYEs i've seen have DEG albums and the ASoM EPs.
  20. ^ truth. kyo killed it. in a good way. also, samples of single. now. they are late with the sample-up'ing.
  21. Furik

    samples now
  22. Furik

  23. I highly doubt he was forced to do it. I think it was an agreement.
  24. Furik

    They transfered to Sony Music. They have no future anymore. Gazerock is dead. Maybe girugamesh should head on over to Sony too. It seems like corporate would like their style of music.
  25. Furik

    Me too! It describes them so well, in various ways.
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