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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    After their last few singles and their attempts at going back to their "roots" so to say I am very excited to hear this new album.
  2. Furik

    As much as I love Dir en grey, Kyo as of right now, canNOT "pig squeal" at all. He really needs to concentrate on that side of his vocal capabilities. He could make it top-notch.
  3. The String Quartet Tribute To Dir En Grey
  4. Furik

    They're from where i'm from. Hmm, never knew that.
  5. Furik

    i think gazette can drone harder than deg
  6. Furik

    ^ i sure hope so
  7. Furik

    Sounds good to me! The album length, that is.
  8. Furik

    They've toured numerous times in the U.S. If they were bombs, I don't think they would've kept coming back.
  9. Furik

    I'm pumped for the new album. I don't think the speed of releases has ever bothered with their quality.
  10. I don't know how I missed this or if this was already discussed but apparently they are returning in June for just a couple shows with a guest vocalist called "LUV PARADE LIVE". Hizumi will be their merch guy at the shows. Guitar / Karyu Bass / ZERO Drums / TSUKASA Guest Vocal / TAKA ( Defspiral ) Goods produce / HIZUMI 2011.06.18 (sat.) Takadanobaba AREA SHOCK WAVE Apollo [Vol.51] OPEN 16:30 / START 17:00 Advance ¥ 2,800 / day ¥ 3,300 (D separate fee + ¥ 500) Play Guide: Lawson Ticket Http://L-Tike.com (L code: 78 877) OTC AREA Contact: Takadanobaba AREA 03-3361-1069 2011.06.21 (tue.) Takadanobaba AREA Sakura China] [sPEED DISK PRESENTS Wild Dance OPEN 16:30 / START 17:00 Advance ¥ 3,000 / day ¥ 3,500 (tax included) Play Guide: Lawson Ticket http://l-tike.com Contact: Takadanobaba AREA 03-3361-1069 2011.06.22 (wed.) Takadanobaba AREA Sakura China] [sPEED DISK PRESENTS Wild Dance OPEN 16:30 / START 17:00 Advance ¥ 3,000 / day ¥ 3,500 (tax included) Play Guide: Lawson Ticket http://l-tike.com Contact: Takadanobaba AREA 03-3361-1069
  11. ^ I thought that already happened with the release of Vulgar.
  12. ^ yes nu-jrock could take some lessons from the zombie ep
  13. Furik

    kept up with them until maybe '09. decent band. attracts brahs though.
  14. Furik

    Seems to far away for me. Really? I won't get to hear any new NoGoD until late summer?
  15. Furik

    BREAK MEEEE BREAK MEEEE Ugh. Stale. So horribly stale.
  16. I enjoyed the original... a lot. I "somewhat" enjoyed the new version of Hydra so maybe there will be hope to this new Tsumi to batsu.
  17. It didn't stop them from writing Agitated Screams of Maggots.
  18. Furik

    Me too.
  19. Furik

    Hydra -666- doesn't count? Vinushka and Gaika...
  20. Furik

    no rapture and still no sign of capsule's new album leaking. fuck it.
  21. Furik

    I was a SHADOWS hater once. It was only recently that I ended up "enjoying" it, so to say.
  22. Furik

    Maybe with all the looting, I can finally get myself a nice BMW
  23. Furik

    it's not going to happen. it's y2k all over again. as long as there's life on earth, there will always be doomsday predictions.
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