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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    oh herpz. i love you.
  2. Furik

  3. Furik

    My name is Summer, I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have no nose or ears, my body is... covered with scars. Didn't I tell you ... I'm dead. My dad... .................................killed me with a kitchen knife in the year 2001. If you do not post this on to 10 other pages or group......s in the......next 15 minutes, I ... will appear tonight by your bed... with the kitchen knife that killed me, and I will kill you. No matter how old you are - I WILL murder you. It's up to you if you re-post thisor not, but this is no lie. This is FOR REAL! Now, copy this and pasteit onto the walls of 10 other pages or groups.......................... Your time is ready
  4. Furik

    of course, it'd be fun.
  5. Furik

    I think I have a better chance at Maiku and Daggi together, sai. No hetro.
  6. Furik

    浜崎??ゆ?? – Depend on You (Svenson & Gielen remix) Yeah, i'm gay. So what.
  7. Furik

    Holy shit. That's really good. I adore her piano work. I hope that stays how it is for the album. I mean, it could be BTW's "Speechless".
  8. Furik

    o^_^o OHAYOU futoshi92! Welcome to MH! HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! OH, you like American nu-metal! That's cool! Do you like KoRn? Also, do you like other nu-metal bands outside of America? Like Sonic Syndicate and BFMV?
  9. http://www.lpsg.org/ Once clicked, enough said.
  10. Furik

    Your hobby is learning Japanese.
  11. Furik

    Despite Brandon's solo record lacking, the band itself is good and am looking forward to their fourth album.
  12. Furik

    ^ You're pretty cute! No homo.
  13. Furik

    I feel BTW is a great tune if you don't compare it to a certain Madonna song. But I agree that Judas is unoriginal. (But both are addicting... regardless of reception.)
  14. Furik

    Well, not everyone is seeing her "faults". You're the first one that i've seen pointing them out, so.. Really? General consensus from what I've heard and read is that these first two singles aren't as strong as her previous stuff. I have to agree with that. I find it incredibly hard to believe you have not read or heard one negative thing about her music since "Born This Way" came out. I'm not trying to offend anyone here - I don't hate her or her music. But obviously, I don't like her as much as you guys haha. I want to like this second album, but right now, everything is only "ok" when it should be better. Here's hoping... I have to agree with you with her latest singles being completely bland compared to her previous ones but I don't feel she has hit a wall in her career. She's still young, her career is still in the early stages so I can see her continuing for a while. And with the way the music industry is, she could continue releasing shitty singles and people will still buy them. However, I feel her newest efforts are not just some cash-in singles. I think she truly composed them to her perfection but they came off bland.
  15. Furik

    just FYI http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7869709.stm http://www.abhc.com/index.php?option=co ... s&Itemid=1
  16. Furik

    The gays doing it in Survivalism?
  17. Furik

    Thank you!
  18. Furik

    That is true. The media makes middle-eastern countries look like douchebags. If anything, they should be sincere and show the true story but I don't think that'll ever happen. America gets attacked, they become our enemies. It's all war - the government/media doesn't care about the civilians in other countries, they just want to win the war/bring justice.
  19. Furik

    They should go back to their style of their first EP.
  20. Furik

    ^ Hmm.
  21. Furik

    you know
  22. Furik

    Well, I smoke pot, listen to jrock, and play video games (and since 99.9% of video games are of Japanese origin). Does that make me a weeaboo?
  23. Furik

    Deeper anime meanings lul
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