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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    It's a really good single. They've always pleased me with their releases. Into the Void 7/10 Great guitar work and a very fun song. Trickster 6/10 Not as fun as Into the Void but still decent. All in all, a solid release. Looking forward to a new album!
  2. Furik

    Yeah, "Death-Grip" was amazing. And who are they trying to fool with their new album? They said they were going back to their "roots". I don't see it.
  3. At least you said this in a Deg thread. You're pretty daring, my friend.
  4. Furik

    I really really had high hopes for this album but i'm pretty disappointed with it. The only tracks that really stood out were the ones with Tatsuro and Kyo. I may give it a couple more listens but i'm giving it at 4/10. The 4 goes towards musicianship and dedication to put out an interesting and almost "tribute" like album. But it lacks a lot of emotion.
  5. Furik

    thanks for stopping
  6. Furik

    why are you praying for me
  7. ^ I have to agree. The single was very well mixed. And i'm looking forward to both the new single and album. I've never honestly been disappointed with any of their releases. For those complaining, it's a true fact that everyone ends up checking out and liking their releases regardless of how they turn out. Because they are Dir en grey.
  8. Furik

    I don't see that happening seeing as how Jasmine You took hide's place.
  9. Furik

    Uhm, I thought his project ended?
  10. Furik

    What happened to my Ke$ha thread? Ugh. God damnit. Making a new one. Anyway, i'm doing it: http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/05004 ... norcatid=1
  11. Furik

    Pop metal? Like ADTR?
  12. Furik

    ^ definitely will be icefilming it.
  13. Wow, many Lotus lovers. Surprised.
  14. Further proof includes the first part of the "Shinya interview" where he states that the new album is going to be "chaos". So, assuming this single will be a part of the new album..
  15. praying this'll be their last release too I used to like you.
  16. It's going to have heavy verses (similar to Lie Buried) and a [kr] cube-like chorus!
  17. http://www.avexnet.or.jp/dapump/index.html THIS IS NOT DA PUMP.
  18. Furik

    I wish this group wasn't so damn confusing with their "debuting" and releases.
  19. Furik

    RIght up my ally.
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