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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    No but I can make more if you'd like.
  2. Furik

    Anyone remember this? I can't even remember much about this.
  3. Furik

    Old scene me (2009): New working-man me (2011):
  4. Furik

  5. Furik

    I think Judas is going to be the "Telephone" sequel.
  6. Furik

    BLACK JESUS + AMEN FASHION is going to be awesome. Just 'cause of the title.
  7. Furik

    SPECIAL EDITION TRACKLISTING CONFIRMED! lol http://twitpic.com/4sga6s
  8. Furik

    Oh god. I love how brave this thread is. Let me find something... September 14, 2006 A group of us got together in the center in the lawn and just sang our fucking hearts out. It wasn't the best performance though. In fact, didn't leave much of an impression. Yes, I like Dir en grey but this performance was BAD. But I can't blame them. They are probably SO wore out from this tour, bless their hearts. And they're still trying their hardest. And the setlist wasn't the best either. We didn't get a Child Prey or The IIID Empire ;/ But they did play a new song (which I believe is their upcoming single, actually). It's a really good song. Their setlist seemed shorter than other bands, actually but I guess I was just getting into it too much. I dunno. Toshiya was swinging around all energetic like. Kyo's screaming was pretty well-worth it too. Their set-list was: Not sure if in correct order, but it's as accurate as I can think. The weird intro (the newer one, not G.D.S. :{ ) Merciless Cult Saku The Final Clever Sleazoid Ryoujoku no ame Dead Tree The new single Dead Tree My GreatestJournal was deleted (which I used more than my LiveJournal so not as many weeaboo posts).
  9. Furik

    http://twitpic.com/4sg6si TRACKLISTING CONFIRMED. Looks like it's changed. A lot. And glad she kept SheiBe with the original spelling and not fucking "Sheisse".
  10. Furik

    I fixed it! All I had to go was go to Apps > Photoshop CS5 > Get Info > then tick the "Open in 32 bit mode"
  11. Furik

    ^ Thanks, I was reading about that and so I tried it however it says "Import Video Frames To Layers is not available in the 64 bit version of Photoshop. Please use the 32 bit version instead." God damnit.
  12. Furik

    Looks too much like Ke$h.
  13. Hello, I know old Photoshop had ImageReady which I used for years but now I have CS5 and am not sure if there is a simple and easy way to resize and/or make animated gifs anymore. I downloaded this one app called "Graphic Converter" but it's complex. Can anyone help me pls?
  14. Furik

    Could be very well true.
  15. Furik

    ^ How is it naive? You know ANY country would do the same thing if they killed a leader from another country. I'm not standing up for America here, I could care less what my country does - i've left that behind me but I can see any country celebrating this - if it was the UK, Canada, any other country that's been involved in this "war of terror".
  16. Nope. I wouldn't. I find it terribly creepy. Truth.
  17. Furik

    Well, not everyone is seeing her "faults". You're the first one that i've seen pointing them out, so..
  18. Furik

    Apparently Bin laden followers are warning of/planning a "7/7 attack" similar to the 2005 British attacks. I hope it's not near Cleveland.
  19. Furik

    This is great news!
  20. Furik

    Aww, I want to get married in a castle. But that's too damn much just for rent.
  21. Furik

    If the importer was Japanese, was it Yoshiki?
  22. Furik

    Samples: http://www.neowing.co.jp/track_for_cdj. ... Y=SICL-249 Request thread: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=8527
  23. omg akuro no oka was so good
  24. Furik

    Kes87s_dJgc HmIl1hswN-c
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