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Everything posted by Furik

  1. What do you guys think so far? Honestly, I didn't feel like anything could surpass their debut album but... the new album did.l I didn't have high hopes for it but it's perfect. The guitar work and synth playing is amazing. I'll do a full track-by-track review later. For now i'll leave you with what I think are some highlights of the album. + Chaos Attractor (duh) + Stars Faded In Slow Motion (I did NOT like this song at first, which was one of the reasons why I wasn't excited for the new album but i've grown to like it) + The Dream, The Space (Gorgeous. No argument there.) + Snake Code (Caribbean Death Roulette) (Guitar work is groovy) All in all, i'm giving it more listens. Right now, it's at a 7/10
  2. http://cyta.jp/%E3%83%89%E3%83%A9%E3%83 ... blog/14062 Can anyone translate this please? It looks as if 蜉?? (kagerou) drummer Shizumi is in a new band called LION16 and played their first live 3/22.
  3. ^ He's too busy with his awesome solo career.
  4. Furik

    Well, I mean like, they couldn't make a heavy "roaraaawerrr" charity song. It wouldn't sell, so they went their now normal route. (no pun)
  5. Furik

    Only twogood album i've heard so far of 2011. Sadie's new album and Verbal's solo album. 2010 was a massive year. I don't think 2011 will be. But it's still somewhat early.
  6. Furik

    iPod Touch only because Zune is dated. Hard.
  7. Furik

  8. Furik

    That vocalist is so hot. God damn. I want him.
  9. Furik

    Of course it's a single.. Damn him.
  10. Are you kidding me? I mean.. he's not God..
  11. Furik

    Shutup. We've all heard this before.
  12. Furik

    Oh shit. It's good.
  13. Furik

    How about a full album, guys? They have enough damn singles.
  14. Furik

    You & I is a confirmed track? Ugh. Also, after this weekend and enough plays, I have grown to like "Judas".
  15. Furik

    Better than any Gaga video.
  16. Furik

    ^ What the hell are you talking about?!
  17. Furik

    Well, she posted it on her Twitter at 1am today. So, It could very well be real. If it does turn out real, I will give all my love to Miss Gaga. Then again, maybe it's a fake to get back at the Judas leaker.
  18. Furik

    I don't know about that...
  19. Furik

    Vortex sounds like Hyena.
  20. Furik

    Hope it's actually an album this time and not a mini-album/single. So tired of those.
  21. Furik

    sounds like shit. btw > judas (more like fuck-as)
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