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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    He sounds kind of like MYV.
  2. Furik

    I bet he's a bottom.
  3. Furik

    taught dis was about brq.
  4. Furik

    Darkwave... meh.
  5. Furik

    NGP? Neo Geo Pocket?
  6. Furik

    I have no clue who this bitch is.
  7. Furik

    In my opinion, it wasn't as good as AWAKE but it did have some brutal moments. CRASH DOWN is constantly a listen while walking to work in the morning but looking at the A-side names, a good chance they won't be ballads.
  8. Furik

    FqlY03wp7b4 We need a Kazaky thread. Now.
  9. Furik

  10. Furik

    Why does the US get it a MONTH in advance? Weird. But excited! Will be picking this up! Hopefully better than their first album.
  11. Furik

    I've always, always wanted to ask this. The sample at the beginning of the Gazette's "Carry?" is some man talking about different music genres. Can anyone tell me what this sample is/where it came from? And can anyone decipher it - if it hasn't been by now (which is doubtful, it's probably around the internet somewhere).
  12. Furik

    So.. she's Russian/American? Why are those links in Japanese? According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zola_Jesus she has more official sources, so i'll go to those instead.
  13. Furik

  14. Furik

    ^ I know.. it's tiring already.
  15. New favorite band.
  16. Furik

    What the fuck.
  17. Furik

    Fuck, it sounds good.
  18. Furik

    He was one of my favorite vocalists (well, during Spiral Circle). He will be missed and UnsraW was a pretty solid band during their early days and before Yuki was having vocal problems.
  19. Furik

    I still wish there was a studio recording of her VMA version of Paparazzi. It's the only version I like!
  20. Furik

    An acoustic version? I'm assuming it'll be her on a piano. I enjoy her acoustic renditions.
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