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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    It is indeed very good. A lot better than what I was expecting.
  2. Furik

    Barebacks where its at.
  3. I was like 11 when it came out. And I loved it.
  4. Furik

    They disbanded already, so no worries. They were a bit better than TH to be honest. The bio said they are on a hiatus, so... technically... they're still around.
  5. Furik

    Great. Another Tokio Hotel. The world does not need VK knockoffs outside of Japan.
  6. Furik

    Good news, Hopefully they stay together. Now all we need is Janne da arc and Fairy Fore to re-form and my life will be complete.
  7. Furik

    My partner and I take both roles of the the top and bottom equally. Before we met, he was a top. As for me, i've always been versatile.
  8. This is weird but awesome news
  9. Furik

    It was.. different. I'm not sure what to think.. at all.
  10. Furik

    Yeah, I heard about this. Somewhat excited to hear. I hope it has a country-twang to it.
  11. Furik

    There is a lot of historical and religious symbolism in MONSTERS-era releases. .... In all of D'espairsRay's releases, actually. For example the instrument fans joked about being a vuvuzela was, if I remember correctly, a horn used to signal death, which Hizumi used to lead his "parade." The masks they wore in the LOVE IS DEAD video/photoshoot were based on masks worn by doctors during the Bubonic Plague (Black Death) to spare them from infection. The crossed arrow is a mixture of (or their own interpretation of) Latin/Christian symbols that mean death or that the person marked with it had died in battle, which makes sense since the song CROSSED ARROWS relates to war and death for love. I think the symbol has sort of been modified to form a "D" and "R." All in all death seems to be a theme throughout. Damn, and here I thought D'espa were losing their touch.
  12. Furik

    ^ I don't think you have to explain who the Dead Kennedy's are, lol
  13. Furik

    Avant-garde? We'll see, we'll see...
  14. We have a thousand threads like this but whatever. 1. The Mad Capsule Markets (hiatus, I know but I can see them never coming back) 2. kagerou (the studs just sucked) 3. baroque (kannivalism is really good but I have a soft spot for brq since they were one of the first bands I ever got into) 4. deadman (UGH! Please come back, seriously!) 5. Rentrer en Soi (Satsuki, your solo stuff sucks)
  15. Furik

    eBay for bootlegs
  16. Furik

    Spring: Indie/Minimalistic/Electro Similar to fall.
  17. Furik

    I mean, they weren't the best but whatever. Shame they're breaking up.
  18. Furik

    Wait - I remember playing MDK2 on Dreamcast, that was BioWare?! I had no idea.
  19. Furik

    What's with the DVD...? What are they.. live clips?
  20. Furik

    Only played NWN and NWN2. HUGE NWN fan.
  21. Furik

    I know it exists, but it's already been confirmed to be fake - it's NOT Bob Dylan.
  22. Furik

    Didn't mind the first one, haven't seen the second one. Honestly, if I want to see a movie-made-on-a-camera movie, i'll just watch Cloverfield.
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