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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    I've had a U.S. account as of Thursday. I don't understand it. It's like a mix between 2010 Audiogalaxy, iCloud Pandora and Music Beta.
  2. Furik

    not even going to bother downloading these but... fakes? http://www.j-mp3.info/2011/07/deluhi-vandalism.html http://byouto.blogspot.com/2011/07/delu ... album.html
  3. Furik

    all these "VANDALISM versions" are really kind of annoying. kind of do not want now.
  4. Furik

    i dont know what you are trying to say, @Pretzels.
  5. Furik

    nice trollin' with the NIN one... wait, you're serious. uh yea
  6. I MAY (keyword) check the album out.
  7. Going to Chicago show.
  8. Furik

    Starting July 31, Google+ will be open to ages 13 and up.
  9. Furik

    People still care about Marilyn Manson? That's worse than still caring about NIN or KMFDM.
  10. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9593
  11. Furik

    Seems like a nice line-up. I'll definitely be checking them out.
  12. Furik

  13. Furik

    pk shut up u dont no sheeeitttt.
  14. Furik

    Monday: Curb 08x01 Tuesday: Weeds 07x03 Today: Gotta check Icefilms
  15. Furik

    zodia a lot.
  16. Furik

    if he's ever releasing a full length album (which I highly doubt but still), awake will be there in 3 versions + a special album re-recording He's milking tween girls of cash with his good looks and sexy voice because he knows he can. As for an album, I see one in the near future with 3 editions: 1 Standard CD, 1 Standard CD+PV DVD, 1 Standard CD+PV DVD+Bonus CD with re-recordings
  17. Furik

    r u on shrooms or what
  18. Furik

    I think by the end of the summer/early fall, it'll be public. They know it's a major hit now. Over 10 million users in less than 2 weeks.
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