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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    It's not that weird or uncommon considering they filmed all those off-shoot Uroboros PVs around the same time as Dozing Green/Glass Skin and released them a year after Uroboros.
  2. Furik

    Posted up here. http://www.songmeanings.net/artist/view/songs/8307/ I've only found English translations.
  3. http://coolblue-movie.com/cast.html Come on Japan. It's not 1986. What happened to fashion?
  4. Furik

    last.fm addicts, of course.
  5. Now he's going into drama/movies? Satsuki, come on... Interesting but still.
  6. Furik

    anyone hear the leaked songs that's been going around for a couple months? 7sgzxhruDW8 not too good
  7. Furik

    also How dare you talk about my angel like that.
  8. Year Zero was the shit. Better follow up after the hiatus than W_T. However I couldn't get into Ghosts or The Slip.
  9. Furik

    -OZ- is now OZ? How do you know?
  10. Furik

    Oh god, I really like the prototype covers for DSS. A LOT.
  11. Furik

    http://my.opera.com/sukekomashi-gaijin/ ... rited-away http://my.opera.com/sukekomashi-gaijin/ ... -no-totoro oh my god.
  12. Furik

    i dont understand how a band like gazette could fill up the dome but deg cant. i mean, im not saying gazette is poppy or anything but they sure aren't B'z-poppy.
  13. Furik

    what have sid become
  14. Furik

    Catch Me is one of her best songs.
  15. Furik

    Wait - since when have SID been a hit?! news 2 me
  16. Furik

    From the sounds of it, they are trying to mix both elements of jazz and ska (if we're talking about Aventure). The vocals are definitely "jazz inspired" but horribly. The incorporated "digital" horns/brass instruments that are clearly not in the studio have a ska feel to them. Either way, it disappoints me off the route Lycaon has taken. I wouldn't mind this "genre change" if it wasn't so bad sounding. They could pull it off if they tried just a bit harder (actually hiring horn players for the studio) while not concentrating on this image. I've heard so much bad about Lycaon after EROS which is why i've been avoiding listening to their recent stuff but this - this Aventure - is too much. They were a promising band and since i've made it this far with them i'll give their future releases some tries (in the same vein i've done with girugamesh). Royal Order was such a good album and i'm hoping they'll come back to their senses when they make another full-album however i'm not set in stone with that idea since Mio and Eve left.
  17. Furik

    I don't hear the change that everyone is stating they hear. To me, it sounds like every other album they've put out - and that's honestly a good thing. They haven't changed at all after singing to King. I'm loving this album so far. Highlights: 神風 Downer's High 机上の空論 III-実存 アイデンティティー
  18. Furik

    thanks zess. i actually like this. haven't bothered with anything after EROS.
  19. Furik

    ^ i don't hear the ska. at all.
  20. Furik

    oh god it sounds amazing.
  21. Furik

    Also, Super Bass wasn't on the standard album release only the Best Buy deluxe version.
  22. Furik

    this bitch is lil wayne pt. 2
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