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Everything posted by Furik

  2. Furik

    a dick. on your chest. pretty edgy if you ask me.
  3. Furik

    I miss Visual Fucks.
  4. Furik

    leak will happen before the weekend, for sure. source
  5. Furik

    ^ i still use mine. iBook G4 ftw
  6. Furik

    First week of August is going to be smashing.
  7. Furik

    i miss old batsu and tonberry. o and livejournal
  8. i will miss u luv be safe & take care
  9. Furik

    next "in" thing since gauging and piercings died out
  10. Furik

    Well, it's already been sourced that Bette wasn't being serious and that the two are on "good terms" but still the thought of Gaga not knowing one of the better gay icons still irritates me.
  11. Furik

    SURPRISE! They didn't dress like the douches in the promo! *phew*
  12. me too! Never heard of Birthday massacre before but they sound good from what I've heard so far. I so excited TBM sucks ass. One of the worst bands they could've been put up to tour with.
  13. Furik

    I would pretty much drop everything to be with Jimmie.
  14. Furik

    I have to agree. Gaga sucks for this. I'm pretty sure she did not know about Bette's mermaid skit. Even I knew about it and we're, like, the same age. Dumb broad.
  15. Furik

    i have 8
  16. Furik

    me too, both are nice
  17. Furik

    Review of the show: http://vabooshca.blogspot.com/2011/07/b ... brick.html
  18. They transfered to KING RECORDS too so maybe they'll be more recognized.
  19. AWWWYEAAAAAH. So freakin' pumped! Seems like it's been forever since Yukari Telepath was released. Pre-ordered that shit and all.
  20. Furik

    i saw them in 2008 with senses fail/sky eats airplane. they were ok i guess.
  21. Furik

    What is touhou? Too lazy to look it up at work.
  22. Furik

    ^ Compared to their previous works, i'd have to say TMOAB was the least melodic. But I do agree it did have a good amount of melody.
  23. c5FZlqSWNmU My mood every fucking minute of every day. (Pls listen so good) 1:40-3:30
  24. Furik

    MOAB Part 2
  25. Furik

    I love Google+/Facebook gifs.
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