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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

  2. Furik

    Typical kay poop is corporate and jay rawk is original plus not corporate wapanese. Holy shit, you just blew my mind.
  3. i was hoping for a u.s. live-action. not a low-budget japanese movie. ugh.
  4. Furik

    old but still cute!
  5. Furik

    I was never one for Farmville, Cafe World, all those games. HOWEVER this is an exception because it's The Sims. http://apps.facebook.com/thesimssocial Think of it like "The Sims Online" meets all-those-zynga games. (Currently down after debuting like a half hour ago. I was level 4 already.) When it's back up, you have to play. My god, it's so fun.
  6. j7_lSP8Vc3o this is FANTASTIC.
  7. Furik

  8. Furik

    I would honestly love to see FB gone but if this is true, the social network wouldn't be gone forever. They are smart enough to have backups and a huge staff, compared to the Westboro incident. Also, Anonymous has got to stop the V for Vendetta shit. It's annoying already. The quotes, 11/5, the masks. Please stop.
  9. Furik

    Yes, Up All Night sounds a lot like Box Car Racer. Anyway, Heart's All Gone is AWESOME. I think I like it even more than Up All Night. Definitely sounds like something they could've easily released with Dude Ranch.
  10. Furik

    Two rappers with ridiculous egos? No thanks. Used to like Jay-Z until he thought he was the sh*t with 'The Blueprint 3'. Now he's trying to be all "govt is so bad. lets tear it down and ill be anti flag in rap form".
  11. One of my favorite singers. RIP
  12. Furik

    amd my original song! http://www.clubcreate.com/#!/song/4e3d7 ... 061a040000
  13. Furik

    http://clubcreate.com/#!/song/4e20a5d6- ... 071a040000
  14. Furik

    i like the sims /thread
  15. Furik

    MpZFGsk5Bzk such an angel
  16. Furik

    Despite being all ex-Arc members, did they release stuff under another name? When clicking on the Discography link on the FUTURISM BOYZ page, it brings this page up. http://under-ground-music.com/underCode ... stId=00054 I'm pretty sure they aren't CindyKate, right?
  17. Furik

    Twitter: brq応募者全員サービス用のDVD盤面、および包装パッケージのデザインを思案中。映像の中身も、プロデューサーから聞く限り超楽しみ! ご応募は8/1(月)まで間に合いますので、あの日観た方、観れなかった方、いずれも楽しめると思いますので本誌最新号をチェックしてみて下さい! Google Translate: DVD of all applicants for board service brq, package designs and packaging of thought. Also the contents of the video, super fun to hear from producers as far as! Apply your 8 / 1 (Monday) until it too late, I saw that day, who did not watch, please check out the latest issue of this journal because I enjoy both! I have no clue what it means. They might be making a DVD of the live with fan footage?
  18. Furik

    Let's say that it's in the "fetus state" Proud to be a non-facebooker tho, what a boring trend. Truth. Zess, I feel that a lot of people know about G+ by now. I mean, it's been the talk of the town on popular news sources for weeks now. It's small and kind of limited right now and Google really hasn't been updating it much since it's just in testing stages but I think it'll grow to be bigger. As for it being a Facebook killer, only time will tell. They failed with Orkut and Buzz but people feel G+ will be a big thing.
  19. good band. more progressive than newer prog bands. however they have better songs than what maiku posted.
  20. Furik

    ^ b'cuz they love their fans
  21. Furik

    If we don't count 『     』as a song (which means it's definitely an SE), then we do get 4 new songs and then the live-limited edition will have one more song that they've recorded + the re-recording disc which I want VERY VERY BADLY. So I guess I'm getting my wish somewhat. OTOH school food punishment released a mini-album that is longer than this album, so it's still kinda cheap no matter how you look at it... I'm having a hard time understanding. Regular edition = 8 songs or 12? Live-limited = 9 songs, 14 songs or 17 songs?
  22. Furik

    last.fm/audioscrobbler has been around for how long and people STILL don't get it. I don't think they ever will.
  23. Furik

    how dare u criticize my political views, u asshols!
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