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VkBrutaliaN last won the day on July 12 2018

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About VkBrutaliaN

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  1. please serious answers only but i am really wondering why it seems like no one here on MH seems to care for the band DictavE? 

    they make really great music so i am really just curious why that is cuz compared to other heavy Vk bands which get enough recognition i don't see any authoritative difference.... Ôó

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    2. Himeaimichu


      Update: I just tried the song "All Alone" and personally, I'm not a fan, but I can definitely see how it'd appeal to some people. Their music style is very rhythmic, which I actually kind of like.

      I'm also not big on synths unless it's the chiptune influenced ones like Metronome or Taiheiyou Belt, but I do like how the synths in one part of the song are taking from "In the hall of the mountain king", and I think a lot of other people would find that pretty cool. 

      The only criticism I really have is the vocals, but even then, I've heard much worse. 

      So in all, for me, it's just a personal matter of taste, but I definitely think a lot of other people could get into them. 

    3. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Just gave them a spin...tried Munchausen Syndrome, Last Dance, and all alone.

      Their growls aren't really my flavor, for me kind of just...there. Like the feeling I get when I try out random Swede or Danish bands, it's not bad it just is what it is not sure how to word it. Passionless screaming/growling? I don't know lol. I always want something new or that has lots of ups and downs, one tone won't do it for me.

      I do dig the ''In the Hall of the Mountain King'' bit, but everything around it wasn't for me (and I already like the original tune as itself so I don't think it can count lol). Vocalists regular voice doesn't bother me too much though.

      But I'm mad picky. I culled 900 songs from assorted albums into 140 songs over a two day period one time.

    4. VkBrutaliaN


      @AimiGen7thanks for checking them out! thats exactly why i was asking cuz i also think normally their "should" be more people to like them but maybe they are so unspoken of that no one cares to check 'em out unfortunately. about the vocals i love mizki vocals - he has such a great range but of course especially with vocals peoples opinion will differ A LOT!^^


      @karai · ebithanks a lot for checking them out and giving your opinion as well!^^

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