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Everything posted by doombox

  1. doombox

    Ah, in that case, yes. It's sad if any band is forced into doing a style of music they don't enjoy.
  2. doombox

    I'm not really sure what you're trying to get at with all of this. Yes, their sound has changed. Yes, a lot of old fans aren't happy about it. But OOR are more popular than ever before, they're making more money than ever before, and they all seem pretty happy about it given when they say in interviews and how they appear on social media...
  3. doombox

    With the bi-polar choruses and overused guitar riffs, more and more its obvious some bands write purely for what furi arrangements can be made to the song, without worrying so much if the songs actually sounds good or pushes any creativity. And like with Aicle, I think some bands might have been scared to go 100% off the deep end so a 'danceable' chorus gets thrown in so the fans still have something familiar they can create furi to. At least, that's what it always felt like to me.
  4. Visual kei is such a cruel mistress. :( 

    1. Yukimoto


      Isn't it.... and it's just so sad

  5. doombox

    My heart just sank reading that. I had a lot of hope for these guys and they had a great sound. D; I hope there's bigger and better things in their future but this news is a real shock.
  6. doombox

    It's true Manj"s back problems have been ongoing, I wouldn't be surprised if this is related to it either, and I agree if that's the case the band wouldn't continue without him. I'm sad to see them go but I haven't really been excited about their output since Tora left. I wish them the best of luck in whatever comes next.
  7. doombox

    Agree about the artwork lol. The preview sounds wonderful though. Gonna need it.
  8. doombox

    Just got around to finally listening to this. I really hope they have an uncensored version of this pv because the pixelation seems excessive if it's intentional and some of the transitions are rough and don't time perfectly to the scene cuts themselves. The song however is decent. Not their best, but still sounds solid. Bless vk for still living in nu metal worship. <3
  9. I really enjoyed their last release, so I'm happy they are releasing a full album! At this rate IoG is more active than MMD, wtaf...
  10. doombox

    Awww but gene was really well done though. Even if you only listened to the songs with K you'd still get half the album. Even though the song with Taka makes me cry every time.
  11. doombox

    Agree with @chemicalpicturesand @Original Sakuthat this probably is just a tribute or dvd footage or something like that. They've been releasing new songs on the anniversary of K's death for the last couple of years, I wonder if they could be out of material now and trying to finalize the end of the band. And the chances of Masato leaving coldrain to do anything with PTP full time are zero right now.
  12. Happy Birthday to the one and only @Zeus!!! Hope you're having a great day. :)

  13. I like the preview. Looking forward to hearing a full song.
  14. doombox

    That really is ridiculous. To treat someone playing a children's game on their phone as a criminal is just overt abuse of power and disgusting cherry picking of law codes. Maybe they are using this because the don't like the content he posts outside of the church about the church, from what the article implies..., when they claim he is "inciting hatred" but it definitely sounds the other way around to me. They are being intolerant af.
  15. doombox

    I had to crack it open myself to make sure. lol. I was surprised too!
  16. doombox

    A bit more than that, actually. He had a hand in co-producing 7 of the songs on Kyuutai.
  17. doombox

    I love everything about this photo.
  18. Spending the day trying to get my cd collection up on discogs but lol most of the artists don't even have pages. FML this is gonna be a while. 

    1. hiroki


      +1 for VK discogs lol

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      @ZeusActually working on this at the moment, but that was a secret :V

    3. doombox


      :o omg sign me up right now

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  19. doombox

    What what what?
  20. doombox

    Shin and nigu both announcing projects right now omg my heart can't take it. <33333
  21. doombox

    I won't be surprised if there aren't as many vk bands on this as people might think. Though I am 100% wishing for XAA-XAA to be on it (even if its a long shot).
  22. doombox

  23. doombox

    Nice work this month, everyone. I like that it's a pretty fair split between vk and other styles. Koochewsen, coldrain, Pentagon, and Hizaki are all already faves and its nice to see all of them slaying right now. <3 ARTIFACT OF INSTANT and forCroiX were both nice surprises! I've never heard of either before but I definitely want to look up more from both now. And R-shitei! Wow! I haven't listened to them in a long time, but I didn't remember them being that good. I will have to get back into them.
  24. Yeah, the:Ø. Unless you're counting NEGA's big rebranding thing as PERESTROIKA as well.
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