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Everything posted by doombox

  1. doombox

    So much girugamesh and Dadaroma! <3 Also Purple Stone~~~. I also like how you changed up some of the artist pictures lol. At first I thought it was just Dadaroma but looks like others too. XD This year I don't think I listened to as much vk, but it's nice to see some artists like Kra are not forgotten.
  2. Seeing this kinda made me realize how much I don't appreciate the sixth and seventh waves as much as everything that came before. I just think that's when things started getting really homogenized and it's not that I don't still enjoy a good number of bands, but I don't find them as irreplaceable. Maybe I got used to so many bands breaking up and I'm jaded or there just isn't as much variation in musical styles as there used to be. Probably both. Things change, so I'm not really bitter, and a lot of the older bands are still releasing music so I can't complain. It's just seeing it all laid out like this made it pretty clear where I'm at these days.
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LM.C is probably the last band standing doing this style, but I haven't been able to watch a video of theirs in quite some time because Victor ent. hate my country. So I'm not sure what they are doing these days. But I'm hearing more and more throwback mixture bands in Jrock, I'd love to hear it bleed into vk some more. I voted for D'espa in the poll, though. Because they're just my personal favorite from the list, so I miss them the most. Going against the grain again, I don't like old RES pre-Sphere-Croid, I'd rather have them back in their most recent form, for me their final releases were their best.
  4. doombox

    LOL sad, "MISSING PIECE" is my favorite track. For me it's easily the most memorable on the entire mini. Too bad it's not getting much love. After liking D&L, I got bored with BORN after their first album and I'm glad Ryoga is trying to change up his vocal style here a bit. I was slightly disappointed not hearing more of Tetsuya's composition from what I could tell he's only got his hands in a couple of songs or he's toned down his usual style drastically. I'll know more when I can actually read the credits in the CD jacket when I get my hands on it. I like this mini, it feels like a strong start but there's a high chance if these guys don't push the envelope some they'll just be another generic vk band.
  5. doombox

    Right? I wanted to add @Chikage but I was scared to be a rando. lol. One of the originals finally looks worthy~~~. Please show off any of yours you're dressing up in the new items. I'm in love with them. @fictioninhope
  6. doombox

    I just have to show off London to @fictioninhope He's almost 2 years old and finally got some upgraded duds thanks to Night of the Nocturne. Look at this handsome boy.
  7. I like the "whoooaaa" parts too. The melodic side of this song is by far what is saving it. the ~brutal~ sections sound like a hot mess. I'd just as soon cut off the entire first third of the song and call it a day.
  8. Ayeee, we out here! https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. CAT5



    2. WhirlingBlack


      So how are things coming along with the chat?

    3. doombox


      Unfortunately I don't have any updates on that right now. ^^; 

  9. doombox

    If anyone wants to hang out. I'm in the room! https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven
  10. doombox

    B-side might be alright, not feeling the lead track from those previews though.
  11. doombox

    We had talked about having a theme of your favorite songs from 2016 this coming sunday (the 18th) if peeps are down.
  12. doombox

    And for some Jrock songs.... ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning ONE OK ROCK - Take me to the top 和楽器バンド - 千本桜 Winking Owl - Here For You Winking Owl - Stars BRADIO - オトナHIT PARADE coldrain - DIE TOMORROW coldrain - Words of the Youth Crystal Lake - Ups & Downs Crystal Lake - Mercury FACT - the way down FACT - ape FACT - Witness I might be having too much fun looking through my library for these. ^^
  13. doombox

    Whoa! that's a pretty damn extensive list. Nice job there. I know a few, probably from some of the artists you already listed but still worth mentioning right? ギルガメッシュ - Melody MUCC - ニルヴァーナ MUCC - フライト MUCC - Arcadia NAINE - BRING ME ALIVE NoGoD - Raise a Flag xTRiPx - limpid バラライカ - インフェルノ第1奏 I know there's lots more, looking forward to see what other people remember.
  14. doombox

    This is really interesting. I want to look into some older bands like MUCC and BUCK-TICK to see what the numbers say but they got like 20 years of releases to sort through so this may take a bit of time lol.
  15. If this is gonna have some doom influences you can sign me the eff up. That teaser definitely has my attention now.
  16. doombox

    Now I'm double sad because this reminded me Nori isn't in ASTS/MMD anymore either. T_T I was just tweeting this morning that the timing of these things being so close was super suspicious. But if someone was online trying to ruin his image that could be the cause as well. So many of the guys in these bands smoke I'm not really surprised but it just sucks this happened after they had gone major when a lot more people would hear about it.
  17. doombox

    Glad you liked! I can hear the lynch/gaze comparisons, but a lot of the guys in this band are coming from that same down-tuned chuga-chug scene. But they also have a couple of guys in the band that can write in more styles so I'm hoping their album will have some range. I was digging your cinema staff recc (but really when don't I) so I need to catch up on their latest release!
  18. I know I'm late but I admit I've been sleeping on their last couple of releases but I liked them!!
  19. doombox

    Probably my final update of the year for my list.
  20. This new Crystal Lake album got me like 


    1. togz


      dang you got it off japan itunes? I'm gonna wait until the US release cuz money haha

    2. doombox


      Nah, I just downloaded a leak from getmetal. lol I'll buy the CD after it drops. But prepare yourself, this album takes a huge left turn from the last one.

  21. doombox

    So happy to see them show up in here!! They were produced by Yoshiki so they were legit as far as I'm concerned. I need to go find these and my old Seo Taiji albums now.
  22. doombox

    Just the 3 singles they've already released so far. We'll probably get an album crossfade preview much closer to the release date after they release the full tracklist.
  23. doombox

    I wish I had something to recc for that. In fact I'm eager to see if anyone can come up with something but I'd be curious to hear it too. I only really know of one band doing low-end djenty stuff in vk currently but they aren't Nagoya or Angura.
  24. doombox

    @helcchilol that is glorious.
  25. doombox

    As @helcchi mentioned, I do think part of the reason EYA went so deep into it was the fact that Rhyohei spent an extended amount of time in America and is also a HUGE Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) fanboy to the point that he has a portrait of the guy tattooed on him. Did you get to see them in Japan or was this during a European tour? I'm envious. LOL I have to say I miss the large fan community that used to thrive on youtube before the Japanese labels started actively using the site as a promotional tool. So many great fan videos lost to the abyss now. *tear* That's an apt description. Since vk is so open ended it can keep building off of the past trends and bring them back up when it suits, rework, reimagine, and keep evolving the sound. Which is part of what makes it so interesting from a western perspective where we tend to be really rigid in our genre definitions. Especially when it comes to metal. More gems in this thread. DI3SIRAE, VanessA. Saruin, SKULL, Unsraw! <3 Man I need to break out all these old albums again. I need to make a 00s party mix.
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