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Everything posted by doombox

  1. doombox

    Ahhh yes. This thread is definitely going to be gold. MUCC, D'espa, Vidoll, 12012. <3 Some of my old and new nu metal kei faves. Especially older EYA has a ton of nu metal flair. They were able to broaden their influences as they went on but they're still a really strong contender for a band that was truer to the parts of nu metal that housed hip hop as one of the pillars. meth. also worked a nice amount of it into some Nagoya influences. Still miss this band a lot. Arlequin seems like one of the newer bands carrying the nu metal torch (though further hybridizing it with a few other genres as well) with it still being a main vein in their style from the songs I've heard.
  2. doombox

    That would be the biggest mess trying to hold all of that information in a single thread. News on an entire year's worth of a band's activities, you don't want to imagine trying to filter through that. Most of those bullets don't even have any extra info in that thread, or belong in that thread anyway. Events, tours and such go in the event news forum. Having separate threads for the big items on that list makes it much easier for people to find that is relevant to their interests.
  3. doombox

    This is not their tribute album or tour docu DVD as announced in that thread. This is an entirely different album of new music and their recent singles.
  4. doombox

    They're probably still working on the tribute album, there was never a set release for that yet, right?
  5. MUCC will be releasing a new full album on January 25th 2017. The album is set to have 14 tracks including, "Yue ni, Matenro", "Heide" and "CLASSIC." Full track list and cover art TBA. Will come in 3 types, 2 limited editions and 1 common type (Type A: CD + DVD + Art Book, Type B: CD + DVD, and Type C: CD only).
  6. doombox

    From what Shuu's said that's exactly the kind of project he's looking for... I wonder if it'll come to firing him though, or they'll just take a small break and try to come back like nothing happened.
  7. doombox

    I guess that's where we stall here. If I'm comparing someone to a style, I would compare them to what the bulk of that style sounds like, not the exceptions. We are looking at something from two opposing sides, so I simply don't share the sentiment of your/their comparison.
  8. doombox

    @CAT5 I just don't hear it. He doesn't sound remotely vk-ish to me. He sounds like a pop vocal all day. Imho, vk vocals are based in hard rock, punk and metal. That's where I draw my perspective of what typical vk vocals are.
  9. doombox

    @Carmelzors @CAT5 I will conceed I don't listen to near as much J-indie as either of you so what people consider VK-ish in the indie scene is completely alien to me. But as a long time VK listener, I simply don't hear this connection and nothing either of you have said really changes that, though I respect your opinions.
  10. doombox

    I'll give you that if that vk vocal sounds anything like cinema staff it is because that vk artist is going after a POP vocal style. It's also a little convenient for your argument that you'd exclude all the artists before 00s, though. Do they no longer count as visual kei for some reason? lol. But I do understand that as time goes on maybe we're having more and more pop influenced visual kei and that is possibly confusing the issue. However, I still don't hear visual influences in cinema staff at all. So TK or Junichi Konno really have nothing to do with this....
  11. doombox

    I would never say cinema staff sounds remotely vk-ish. Mizuki's vocals especially are very soft and smooth. I think whoever said he sounds vk does not actually listen to vk, tbh. I'd have to go with Chanty. As much as I enjoy cinema staff, I think Chanty actually has a more dynamic and interesting sound, imho. I'm just mad at myself for not looking into them until last year.
  12. doombox

    Wish there was something farther south on the East Coast than just NYC. I can't afford to do any big traveling in January so everyone else is gonna have to enjoy them for me this time!
  13. Thank you for all the great release list updates. <3

    1. eiheartx


      Everything is up to date now! I was a bit late but now I'm back on track! Thanks for the nice words!

    2. Zeus


      Thanks for the hard work :)

  14. doombox

    I didn't like it much on first listen but I'm digging it now.
  15. doombox

    I'm always here for more OOR. I may just have to skip that Avril song because just reading her name makes me cringe.
  16. I know. I think you missed the part where my reply was not completely serious (I'll try to be more obvious next time).
  17. I clicked it and it names like 3 bands then just list of different styles of vk. So I was just expressing that it's not actually a top 10 list.
  18. Tfw you came looking to see if you agreed with a top 10 list but there wasn't actually a top 10 list.
  19. doombox

    Can't remember if I posted some of these already. I don't think I have though. American pressing of MONO - Requiem For Hell. The etching on the silver LP was really cool. Hard to see here but it's a fetus with MONO next to it. Caught up on the last SiM album I needed, and 2 of the 3 XAA-XAA singles (and a photoset). 3rd is on the way. 3 GOT7 albums in their giant Kpop packaging.
  20. Since they are Canadian I've moved this topic to the Global Music discussion forum. Nice PV. I've been meaning to check them out for a while. I like the lower range of the singer's voice. Reminds me a bit of Jyou from Exist Trace. But less angry. lol.
  21. doombox

    Ah man, I'm really sad to see him go. It also sucks that is sounds like he had to choose between his day job and the band.
  22. doombox

    Take my money. Take my soul.
  23. doombox

    I'm really sorry to hear she's going through this and I hope she gets well soon. I'm also hoping the band continues because they're fun and I was looking forward to more from them.
  24. doombox

    Feel free to visit the suggestion forum. But you should get used to the idea of foreigners playing in Japanese bands. It's prevalent in every other style of Japanese rock. If the band is based in Japan it goes in the Japanese news sections. That's all there is to it.
  25. doombox

    That's you're own personal issue. They have listed this new article in the correct section as far as the forum is concerned.
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