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Everything posted by doombox

  1. I feel bad for liking this as much as I do. But its pretty great. X"D
  2. doombox

    Oh lord help me.
  3. doombox

    Weird, kinda sounds like a ONE OK ROCK song, tbh. Not that that's bad, just different for them. Still already ordered this and can't wait until it gets here!
  4. Right? Its really difficult. I'm still planning to do this again. But ahhhh narrowing down a single favorite from some artists is gonna kill me. lol. *clutches chest* Great list though. Just when I thought I knew you well enough to assume I'd recognize most of the artists there, turns out, not true! lol. You really listen to a ton of stuff, how on earth do you manage it? XD
  5. doombox

    Hey guys, I wanted to mention that we are gonna have our first ALL DAY theme this sunday. The theme will be: WOMEN WHO ROCK So please queue up videos with at least one female musician in the band. It can be anything from solos to all female bands, to anything in between, as long as there is one or more female musicians in the video! Feel free to post here if you have any questions.
  6. doombox

    It's not so much exaggerated as it is rarer cases of the worst side of the scene. This is not every fans experience but I've heard of it all happening over and over again through the years. The website themselves takes things and spins them in a comical or absurd light, so that is important to remember. They picked the horror stories on purpose.
  7. doombox

    Yeah, this is for other music makers. I mean, fans could buy it but unless you have all the programs he uses its pretty useless. XD I hope the album is normal price please. hahaha.
  8. doombox

    Gonna grab this for sure. Also sad their supporting tour is only west coast. UGH UUUGHH UGHGUGHFHUHGH
  9. doombox

    True. I guess I'm just surprised they went for vk when, like the article you posted, I assumed the pop market would be the easier grab.
  10. doombox

    Things like that was exactly why I was terrified of jumping on girls backs when they hang over the rail (I forget what its called). X"D
  11. Visual Kei officially got its own Cracked article guys. And they proceed to "explain" vk by how ridiculous it is. It's Cracked, its meant to be stupid but lol wow. Read the entire thing: http://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-2360-i-was-groupie-with-japans-craziest-metal-band.html I guess they ain't lyin' but they definitely decided they were gonna paint it in the craziest light possible. I'm just curious why they even thought vk was something the usual Cracked reader would find interesting.
  12. doombox

    Lynch and Gazette are boring me to death.
  13. True, "basic" was probably not as good a word choice as "straightforward" and I really can't compare Sigure knowledge with you, you blow mine out of the water!!! I'll be over in my n00b corner of shame. lol XD But thanks for reading between the lines. He needs to leave the ballads for Aimer all the way! I agree 100% with your second paragraph here. I think both could use a different vocalist to their benefit, definitely.
  14. If this had been their main projects, I probably would have voted Sigure, but I personally haven't gravitated to TK's solo work as much as I have to Gesu. Stylistically Gesu just resonates better with me, and especially when TK sounds 'reigned in' he loses some of what makes his style special (or at least more basic song arrangements make it harder for me to ignore how much I dislike his voice lol). I need TK to be weird and all over the place to hold my interest.
  15. doombox

    I don't even think this is a full song. It's like an intro?
  16. doombox

    And I lost 2 so far this year already. x_x MUCC BUCK-TICK NoGoD DADAROMA ザアザア Develop One's Faculties JILUKA SCAPEGOAT GIGAMOUS Chanty
  17. doombox

    I really hope there's more experimentation than that.
  18. doombox

  19. doombox

    That or a hard refresh. Maybe the cache is stopping it from loading properly.
  20. doombox

    *kicks dubtrack until it works*
  21. What? He always looks good. You take that back right meow.
  22. doombox

    Nice to see some fans of the older stuff. Loudness SoF was the first Japanese album I ever bought. Hope you enjoy your time around MH and welcome!
  23. The wrist cutting trend has finally gone too far. :/
  24. Cool! I liked their last album a lot.
  25. WTF happened to Kameleo? 


    1. hiroki


      they always had an idol element in their music imo, just that it was obscured by the quirky/funny stuff they were doing before haha.

    2. doombox


      It must have been something I missed. I always assumed the were a typical vk band with a sense of humor. Buy as you can see I didn't follow them all that closely. X"D

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