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Everything posted by doombox

  1. doombox

    I just realized I was behind on the news and they already have a single set for release next month? So maybe this countdown might be for a pv?
  2. I'm really tired of people not knowing how to voice a negative opinion without being a total asshole about it.

    1. VisualKEIcrasher


      Same here man, people need to learn how to not be jerks or attack people for their opinions if they don't like them.

    2. doombox
  3. doombox

    Any T-ARA lovers here? Sweet song. I haven't listened to them in a while. Scandals happen and I tend to dip out of the fandom communities for a while then peek back in later. Very relieved to hear they're still putting out quality songs. This is a jam. I've also been slightly distracted by 2pm's comeback. <3
  4. doombox

    New look usually means a new release to me. A new single at the very least. *crosses fingers*
  5. Artwork seems totally random, but this is visual kei so I don't know what I was expecting. It's still interesting, at least.
  6. doombox

    Thanks for the info! (You can always rehash this in the Crossfaith artist thread if you want to discuss it further since it's relevant to Tatsuya.)
  7. doombox

    Are both the same group/musicians?
  8. doombox

    Can I call it neo-visual kei? The newer bands with an actual visual kei image, preferably with somewhat of a darker side which is pretty obvious from this list I think. Feel free to add (with last.fm pages would be nice). Some I could recommend are アルルカン(Arlequin) [last.fm], コドモドラゴン(Codomo Dragon) [last.fm], REIGN [last.fm], Crimson Shiva [last.fm], エルム(Elm) [last.fm], and maybe Scarlet Valse [last.fm]? It's a popular subgenre so there have to be loads more. Edit: I had originally linked just to youtube for preview purposes... I missed the request for last.fm links. So I'm adding them now.
  9. doombox

    I always knew the guy could play anything, and I should have been prepared that now that they're major they'd be doing themes and all that jazz. But I was not.
  10. doombox

    Welcome back to the scene! Your English sounds good to me. Just like benibana said, when you post there is a "like this" option in the bottom right corner. The more people "like" your posts, the higher your reputation is. It's an easy way to tell what users have been around a long time or are highly active on the site. ^^ I look forward to seeing what oldies you have to share. Hope you like it here. ^^
  11. doombox

    Omen was on the Japanese Edition of Pop Goes Punk 3 originally. And you can still buy it at HMV. Maybe I was wrong about Silhouette's Katy Perry cover because I can't find which PGP it's on now, you're right about it being on their Arche album, tho. I could have sworn I saw it on a VA... *shrug*
  12. doombox

    Apologies! I somehow missed it. orz
  13. Dir en grey Malice Mizer RENTRER EN SOI Jupiter Buck-Tick Deadman Matenrou D'espairsRay Bring Me The Horizon König MUCC
  14. And I catch a cold as soon as I make plans for this weekend. Yay! =__=

    1. beni


      Get better soon!!

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Have some lemon tea with honey, helps me :)

    3. doombox


      Thanks ladies and gents. I'm already feeling half-way better today. <3

    4. Show next comments  369 more
  15. doombox

    More picks from Pop goes Punk... Silhouette from the Skylit covered Katy Perry's "California Gurls" NEW BREED also likes to cover Bruno Mars... XD Crossfaith got a lot of foriegn traction for covering The Prodigy's "Omen". Cleave did a fun cover of "Don't Look Back In Anger" from Oasis. Others coldrain covered Stacie Orrico "Stuck" a few years back. Crystal Lake recently covered Limp Bizkit's "Rollin'" Plasticzooms did "Maniac" by Michael Sembello My Last December jammed on TSwifts' "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" Velvet Eden did Depeche Mode "Strangelove" And UNCHAIN covered "Virtual Insanity" by Jamiroquai I know I've heard so many more I just can't remember right now too. I may be back if they come to me! lol
  16. doombox

    I love this band but that name made them the worst to search online. lol. This basically stopped me from telling anyone new about this band "Hey do you like Dirty Old Men? Wait why are you running away?!!!" lol
  17. doombox

    Sorry I'm late to the party! Welcome, welcome~ Yes to DIV, Carat, R-Shitei, 12012, Heidi., Girugamesh and angura kei for me too. Hope you have fun here.
  18. doombox

    They know what they are doing!!! It's like christmas every time haha.
  19. doombox

    Kpop, but still music related... 2PM Go Crazy Grand Edition came in the mail w/ giant poster. ;~;
  20. doombox

    Amen! I am still crossing my fingers for Madness being the softest song on the single. I know a few other bands that do that regularly. I have this EP and I listen to this song a lot, but it didn't really hit me how much I missed Ken's voice over this until I saw this video this morning. Right in the feels. ;3;
  21. The comment about "better selection" was in direct relation to CD Japan. CDJ didn't used to have as many non-visual rock artists, but they seem to have improved over the years. And like sweetholm mentioned, they have a multibuy discount for large orders. I also like the fact that they are fast and extremely reliable so I just stay with them.
  22. doombox

    Can we talk about Kenta in this new Crystal Lake video tho? Because I needed this.
  23. I started with CDJapan, then moved onto HMV for better selection. I love ordering bandcamp if it's an option, too.
  24. Artist: SiM Album: i AGAINST i Score: SiM is having an identity crisis and you're all invited. Never shying away from their modus operandi of reggae grooves mixed with chaotic punk rock, the last ten years have gifted us many strong showings from SiM. They may be an acquired taste, but they've carved themselves a niche that very few bands worldwide can share. And to further separate themselves from the pack, they aren't afraid to cover the hard hitting topics in social-political, economic, or environmental commentary that are becoming less and less common in the modern punk scene. They are also poster boys for promoting recreational marijuana use in Japan. After a nearly year long wait since the last release, i AGAINST i is finally ready. The mini album opens with "RiOT". A song that sounds like it will get the crowds going at their shows, but falls short as an album opener with lots of energy but no dynamics. I would have been far happier if it were swapped with the second track or left off the mini, since SiM has similar and better songs in their catalog. As for that second track, "Fallen Idols" embodies everything I love about SiM: catchy lyrics, crunchy riffs, bouncy reggae bass lines, unbridled aggression, and most importantly-- the message. While SiM often relies on stories and fictional characters to get their points across, this time they took a more direct route warning fellow bands about letting their egos get out of hand. It makes this song the most attention-grabbing on the album, and fans are already driving themselves crazy deciphering the mystery of whom is being referenced. "GUNSHOTS" keeps the record turning like a calliope carousel on drugs about to spin out of control. The strong storytelling element to this song keeps the lyrics at the forefront, but the music has a palpable atmosphere that transports you out of this world! The classic punk riffs come out to play for "IKAROS" which contrasts nicely with song before it. Outside of that, it's a rehash of older material. They virtually cut and pasted the ending of "Happy Home" right onto this song and thought no one would notice. The emotional vocal melody is buried whenever the guitars come in and they don't compliment each other very well. "Slim Thing", the next track, highlights some interesting and unusual musical choices from SiM. I've never heard guitar work like this from the band before and I'm glad to see them expanding their repertoire. This might be the first time they've stripped down without resorting to a ballad or dub intermission. The placement in the tracklist also worked in this song's favor. Rounding out the album, "Teardrops" brings the intensity down a notch and SiM reminds you that they can do emotional rock as well. It straddles the line between a lullaby and a breakdown, yet restrains the 'heaviest' parts in effects so they don't steal the show. I was leery of ending the album on a melancholy note but with such a drastic mood change, this was the best place to cut the album short. Overall, i AGAINST i ends up being hit and miss. The fat could have been trimmed to reduce this mini to one kick-ass maxi single. If that had been the case, "Teardrops" would've had a better place in the middle instead of slowing the mini to a tepid stop. But since the high points were so high, it's a ride I'd get in line for again. The reggae infused songs were a lot stronger than others on Pandora and they brought back that vintage SiM feel. This band is much better at creating cohesive albums with varied content, but they've fallen a bit short this time. i AGAINST i lives up to it's title, with too many tracks that work against each other and even themselves.
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