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Status Replies posted by plastic_rainbow

  1. I really miss deadman.

    ドリスからの手紙 is one of the greatest Songs i've heard. So many emotions. 

  2. After a few months hiatus, I'm back. Work kicked my ass good but now it's time to relax and jam out.:parapls:

  3. Anyone know what envy is doing post the vocalist leaving?

  4. RAINDIA's 碧落ノ彼岸花 is addictive as fuck

  5. I finished Final Fantasy XV... man my feels.

  6. I finished Final Fantasy XV... man my feels.

  7. My body hurts. Need Massage therapist.

  8. dream scenario: Ryutaro or Full doing a collab w/ Tokyo Shoegazer


  10. Can someone give me a proper translation of the about me from Ryo's OHP? 




  11. how would you guys translate "絶望、 はじめまして。"? It would be something like Despair, nice to meet you?

  12. how would you guys translate "絶望、 はじめまして。"? It would be something like Despair, nice to meet you?

  13. someone hmu with dark/depressing-sounding kei ♡

  14. someone hmu with dark/depressing-sounding kei ♡

  15. wtf i've aged now

  16. literally wtf is this? 


  17. In memory of Avelcain - Let's cut our wrists all night - dubtrack session is still up. Welcome everyone! Let's die together.

  18. So after living few months in the same flat, apparently my roommate thinks I'm a girl o_o  (i didn't correct him)

  19. So after living few months in the same flat, apparently my roommate thinks I'm a girl o_o  (i didn't correct him)

  20. So after living few months in the same flat, apparently my roommate thinks I'm a girl o_o  (i didn't correct him)

  21. Anyone know the lyrics to Girugamesh- Stupid? Still waiting for someone to figure this out. lol Also I found this in Satoshi's twitter: This isn't the lyrics by chance is it? I don't read kanji.


  22. Anyone know the lyrics to Girugamesh- Stupid? Still waiting for someone to figure this out. lol Also I found this in Satoshi's twitter: This isn't the lyrics by chance is it? I don't read kanji.


  23. Does anybody happen to know how to pronounce this "飢われ"? It's the title of one of Misa's releases (血ニ血ニ飢ワレ) but the romanizaton is wrong. Thanks.

  24. Just a quick reminder that there's less than a week left till the deadline for the Halloween Contest submissions:)

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