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Status Replies posted by plastic_rainbow

  1. had a go at the drums for the first time today! but only for 10-15 minutes. ahhh, it was too short...

  2. had a go at the drums for the first time today! but only for 10-15 minutes. ahhh, it was too short...

  3. Recently joined last-fm. Username minervalace if anyone wants to give a follow.

  4. ただいま~

  5. anyone know where i can find lyrics for L'eprica? i desperately need via dolorosa. have only found sephirothic tree...

  6. Preparing for a online shop, what bands merchandise would you like to see on V STAR PROMOTION's online shop? Thank you for all of the suggestions so far, If you have any more suggestions please send a direct message~!

  7. real life april fools tho: weather looks all sunny, 10 mins later it rains and sleets

  8. real life april fools tho: weather looks all sunny, 10 mins later it rains and sleets

  9. real life april fools tho: weather looks all sunny, 10 mins later it rains and sleets

  10. real life april fools tho: weather looks all sunny, 10 mins later it rains and sleets

  11. Dat new banner. The best art I've ever seen!

  12. Dat new banner. The best art I've ever seen!

  13. Found another old visual kei related manga, yay!

  14. It never fails. Once I listen to one ??イスイノナサsong, I feel the need to listen to their entire discography lol. Do any bands do that for you guys?

  15. for example you sell the sea has been around since 2009 but they only have one release? how and whyyy

  16. having only 1 earbud working extremely annoying

  17. Happy Birthday Ryutaro <3

  18. Dat new DEZERT banner is SINISTER!

  19. I legit never heard that breathing sound at the beginning of Baroque - 我????。Must have listened a million times but always focused on the guitar.

  20. DARK DESIGN CATALOG is such a masterpiece... the dark gives me chills everytime i listen

  21. i'm now officially gold~ ^~^

  22. i'm now officially gold~ ^~^

  23. first off, which decade do i even choose for this trade-off...?

  24. AICLE COME BACK damnit!! ;___;

  25. vday playlist: ruvie, fatima, baroque, kannivalism, clavier, mello & kazoku ^>^

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