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Status Replies posted by plastic_rainbow

  1. stress sure does make me eat and crave food a lot..

  2. It just dawned on me that THE NOVEMBERS' new EP is coming out hella soon. Hype.

  3. Time to crack my Japanese textbooks back open. I guess sundays may turn into study days now.

  4. Happy 9 years LM.C! <3

  5. tfw that new guniw tools single still hasn't surfaced :(

  6. We're still jamming in plug if anyone wants to join! The theme is Post rock/Shoegaze/Math rock. https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

  7. my girlfriend just broke up with me via messager :'(

  8. http://fuckyeahvkeipromopics.tumblr.com/ made a tumblr dedicated to adding promo pics since last.fm is currently in critical condition
  9. The Evil Within first play through COMPLETED!!

  10. ughh, i need a phone but i don't wanna get one....never been much of a phone person

  11. sent a package of my books from japan by sea but only half of them made it, are you serious???! >:/

  12. sent a package of my books from japan by sea but only half of them made it, are you serious???! >:/

  13. sent a package of my books from japan by sea but only half of them made it, are you serious???! >:/

  14. sent a package of my books from japan by sea but only half of them made it, are you serious???! >:/

  15. not quite sure to quit last.fm especially since I use it mostly just for the scrobbling. Going to see how it goes at the end of the month...

  16. http://tencaiten.tumblr.com/ hi please follow me and validate my nonexistent music taste
  17. ??よ??らドイツ. Japan, here we go!

  18. listening to aicle damn i miss them ;-;

  19. Dear people I haven't met even once, could you be kind enough to recommend me something good to read. Sadly, the last book I enjoyed (or didn't , depending on how you look at it) was Kafka on the shore.

  20. two vkei concerts in a row, i'm pretty beat...especially since that last one was nearly 5 hours long

  21. two vkei concerts in a row, i'm pretty beat...especially since that last one was nearly 5 hours long

  22. Doesn't anyone here have Pentagon's 少年ワルツ full MV? :(

  23. quick question, anybody who has the booklet know who directed the gazette's reila pv? i need it for a paper

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