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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. When it comes to scenes or genre's like Visual Kei or hell, even K-Pop, its perfectly fine to feel the way you do. It actually shows sign of maturity and growth. I'm not gonna lie, I thought the visuals were pretty awesome. After a few years, I've seen the good and bad of the visuals and just stopped caring for em and base my opinion on bands solely on their musicianship. The conversations around that are a lot more interesting than what they look like for a photoshoot and other too indepth, borderline creepy characteristics. I think a lot of people here feel the same. So its all good
  2. DISK 1 preview DISK 2 PREVIEW http://t.co/nrJq2i2qwF
  3. Ro plz

  4. The Devil Wears Prada's 8:18 is a masterpiece....

  5. Ro plz

    I love the Devil Wears Prada's 8:18
  6. Looking into getting another ESP Guitar. This time a Les paul.

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Probably one of the EC's. My current Les paul is awesome but it scratches up my fingers.....

    2. Tetora


      The frets? I don't use a plectrum btw, so when playing a rock style with just my thumb I am only comfortable if I can grab the body with my fingers while I play, which makes Strat and Tele most comfortable to me.

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Yeah the frets is whats gettin me. I can normally play fine on my VIPER and othet guitars though....

    4. Show next comments  141 more
  7. Ro plz

    Reading is my sex. And when i do that, I like background music such as Anime OST's and such. Anything with words or technical aspects will cause me to loose focus and i can't bust a metal nut.
  8. Ro plz

    24: Deadline (Book) Food cuz I was hungry.
  9. Ro plz

    My dude still tryna stay relevant. Props to him though. I hope this is good.
  10. Ro plz

    Tokyo Jihen??
  11. Ro plz

    I demand a history of this users antics.
  12. Ro plz

    My favorite model guitar of all time. Hellion01
  13. Well, I remember when the intercontinental championship and the United States championship actually meant more than what they do now. Now both titles, as well as the Diva titles and Tag titles are dead weight. WWE creative can make something substantial, story wise but they just choose not to. And at this point its getting a bit frustrating....
  14. I check in on WWE frequently during the road to Wrestlemania. And I gotta admit this has been one of the most lack luster roads so far. These past few weeks have been Variations of what are more or less of the same fights rehashed. Reigns vs (either show or Kane) or Bryan vs (show or kane) or a Bryan and Reigns vs Show and Kane. Creative is not using the locker room to their full potential and many of these matches have no substance.... I heard there is some displeasure on the side of the main superstars because the NXT ones are getting used much better.
  15. Me liking Racism? No....... I would never do such a thing. I am baffled, Nekkichi, my dear!
  16. I forgot to post this but my MH love letter mix was dedicated to all my fav ladies and fellas of MH. <3 Stallion loves you.

    1. Biopanda


      <3 I hope there was a song dedicated to your favorite panda

    2. beni


      So much lovuu~ ;w;

  17. Ro plz

    The sets are normally balanced. Makes me wonder if Uroko will get its overseas premiere there. Its a perfect festival song imo.
  18. Ro plz

    Idk you. But lets be friends because.... dat name.
  20. Comment on this if you survived MH being down.

  21. I enjoy plug because its like MH chat but more music oriented. I also dig how I find a few new songs/bands to bump because of it. Its not ruining chat. You can do either or and Ive seen chat and plug both hella active at the same time.
  22. I still think ROSARIO is the best song SADIE has done. Feel free to debate this with me.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      It's your feeling, we didn't debate about you feels ^^ Some other feels sadie was best until MASTER OF ROMANCE ^^. Maybe their best "recent" track, I guess ^^

  23. Bout 2 be on air again from 10pm-12am US time! Come chill!!! http://www.mcla.edu/Student_Life/studentmedia/wjjw/ (ON AIR WITH DEVIN)

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