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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Just bought my tix to see The Devil Wears Prada on Monday! <3 Last concert for a very long time!

  2. Ro plz

    This is my only response to this. Yes, just everything about it...yes.
  3. Ro plz

    "There is a hell" followed by "Sempiternal" is by far one of the greatest back to backs, ive ever heard from a band. Such growth, such umph, such darkness, such emotion. I'm very pleased "That's the Spirit" did not continue in the track of Sempiternal. It was a smart move. And Oli Sikes as well as the band are in a completely different space as people, especially Oli who was addicted to drugs for a LONG time. I feel like a lot of the exaggerated negativity towards this album comes from people forgetting that while these guys are renowned musicians, their personal lives influence their music as well. That's the Spirit is indeed a drastic step from Sempiteral but at the same time its very genuine and they still managed to make it so that you can distinguish it as a BMTH album. I was also skeptical about it but I sat down and listened to it with an open mind, NOT comparing to older material and it just won major points with how listenable it was. Also, I had the pleasure of seeing them live last week and I must say, the new songs mixed in with the old ones makes for one hell of a set. The crowd was ridiculously hype and us and the band had an amazing time. Easily one of the best shows i've attended since seeing Dir en grey back in 2013.
  4. Lana Del Rey's Honeymoon Gets better with each listen.

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Amen! Did you call the # on the cover and listen to her read some poetry? *swoon*

    2. saishuu


      I really disliked it at first, but yeah, it is a grower. There's still a big gap between the good songs and the fillers for me though - like The Blackest Day, Salvatore, God Knows I Tried and High by the Beach are so good that the others don't really stand much of a chance. lol

  5. Ro plz

    This is troll bait to the extreme. This may not be what you're intending, but this is what it's coming off as, to me. WITH THAT said.... Seeing as though Versailles was dropping some pretty MEH stuff before their hiatus, its not too far fetched to say that any band dropping stuff around that specific time too, surpassed them... As for Kamijo, also troll bait. Even people who aren't big Kamijo fans can acknowledge how much this man put into the VK scene. He's put up high on a pedistool for a reason. The man is talented, the man can sing and as much as he shined with Versailles, his recent stuff showed that he's just as great without them. Not many vocalists can do that. Kamjio is that Nigga. Mejibray is a hot commodity right now, this cannot be denied. As much as it grinds my gears that people dick ride them like they really are something that special and have paved the way for something new in VK, I cant deny that I can somewhat see the appeal. With that said, NOTHING, NOTHING they've done can ever surpass Versailles's run as a whole (despite their iffyness) Nor Kamijo, solo. Its not happening. That is a bold faced straight up lie, imo. And I think anyone here can agree on that.
  6. Ro plz

    Unpopular opinion: A lot of ppl are turned off by The Devil Wears Prada's work after With Roots. And I happen to enjoy everything after that album. Up until that point, they really weren't that different from the other bands in that time. Cheesy Drop D chugging and breakdowns, overall just snooze fest music, minus a couple songs. The ZOMBIE EP is where they took that step in the right direction and IMO really created a distinct sound that separated them from the rest. Since then, they've been on a climb of progress that is quite admirable and they are one of the very few bands that can breathe fresh life into the scene with each release.
  7. Ro plz

    Doom, can I holla?
  8. Bring Me The Horizon was AMAZING Live. HOLY CRAP.

    1. Seimeisen


      These Linkin Park comparisons to the new album are making me want to avoid it like the plague.

      Lately, I've been listening to the first album and mini album. Maybe if I listen to them 100 times, I'll be able to tell each song apart. ;p

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Its not as bad as people are making it seem imo. But i guess the change is just too severe for ppl, which is understandable. I've explained my opinions on the album more than enough so ima just say this: Its a great listen and I appreciate it because its a BALLSY move that worked for em in the end.

      Btw, the Linkin Park comparisons are complete bullshit.

    3. Show next comments  96 more
  9. This is cool. And yes, I did get into it around that time so this explains why my knowledge of him was so limited. The only thing that i liked that I knew he was behind, iirc was the band Chariots. Write a novel for me. And thanks bb. Appreciate it.
  10. Still don't get the hard on ppl have for Kisaki.... I'm willin to learn though
  11. Ro plz

    You know how in every fandom, franchise, etc there's that one thing that a lot of the people like to over-exaggerate hate for or just hate because its the popular thing to do? The Marrow of A Bone is that for Dir en grey. Its actually pretty baffling to see how much flack that album gets when in all honesty, its really not that all that bad at all. Yes, lyrics wise, its a lil bleh but production and sound wise, it was a pretty original and cool take on hard rock/metal. Also, mixed in properly with a setlist, these songs shine so well. It also contains some of the bands best songs. I am so thankful that i decided to listen to that first instead of their previous albums. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy them from time to time but its MOAB that made me go "YES, I AM WET" and made me eager to check out the older albums and SEE where they could go from there.
  12. Ro plz

    DIR EN GREY, easily. The older era had some bangers, key live performances and most importantly they make the newer era more significant. But it was MOAB that lured me in and its been a ride since then. I enjoy the timeline that is Uroboros to ARCHE very much. Album wise, you see the growth and experimentation. Live, I believe that a lot of us can agree that they need hella work...they just aren't consistent in that aspect. But still, there's way more songs in that era that i can watch the Lives for OVER and OVER again. They are just that DEBO.
  13. Ro plz

    That still doesn't change the fact that Gypsy was their "last" single and they announced a disbandment. Lol. They should be making more than enough off of Gypsy and these last shows. They obviously should just stay active. This single will probably show that they should, as well. Cash grab ftw. But hey, if y'all are happy then whatevs.
  14. Ro plz

    I can't help but have a bitter taste in my mouth cuz of all of this. Makes me wonder if Lycaon is actually gonna "disband." If they could actually sit together and make this single after all the "commotion" of their disbandment announcement/last single ,it's apparent that they might as well just continue to make music and that all of this is some cry for attention/another cash grab. This seems pointless to me and makes 0 sense. Obviously it's cool for Lycaon fans, which is awesome and yes I did enjoy Camera Obscura but from the outside (of the hype and love) for this band, this doesn't add up. Unless there's some label obligation that they had to drop this. But even so, that should've been technically fuffiled with the previous one
  15. Idk why but your post made me wanna make a more cohesive/serious post. I do believe that romantic love exists. Its just one of the many ways that people can express the emotion. Being "romantic" isn't my style but I believe if you feel strongly about someone, you can def show them that in other ways that still makes them feel appreciated and such.
  16. If it gets me laid, hell yeah. I'll believe in it.
  17. Ro plz

    The ZAN performance from Feast of V senses (aka the last time they played the song well), he dead ass couldnt remember the lyrics so he just....gibberished it. He said this in an interview, If im not mistaken.
  18. SPAM. Song was meh. Bangin....but meh.
  19. I actually found the Black Swan's single from april, to be quite awesome. I wish they would make more tracks like this....

    1. Aferni


      i wish you would wish that they would make more tracks

  20. Ro plz

    Pledge is very underrated. The budokan performance was tear jerking.
  21. Ro plz

    The single version was the BEST one. Dir en grey needs to stop messing with the single versions of songs when it comes to albums. They always sound watered down.
  22. Ro plz

    Can we just pretend that The Unraveling didn't exist, due to the majority of the remakes on there? Besides Macabre, Karasu, and Karma (VERY IFFY, LIVE), that EP really isn't that good. They are tolerable live, though. I did groove out to Bottom of Death Valley, The Unraveling, and Unknown when they played em in Boston.
  23. Ro plz

    Best song ever: Rinkaku. Its everything Dir en grey is boss at doing in one song. Anything else after is just favs from specific albums. Yes, I know. I am persistent with this song. Its that amazing.
  24. Ro plz

    Beautiful Dirt is cool when you haven't heard it in a long time. Decayed Crow is a mess of a song but it....works for some rreason. The Deeper vileness is easily a very underrated song. That Feast of V senses performance is DEBO. Jesus Rnr is okay when you're just listening to Withering in its entirety. It needs a better live version though. Def far from worse. Inferno is one of the best songs on ARCHE. FITE ME. Worst songs the band has ever done? Everything after Rinkaku, leading up to BEHIND A VACANT IMAGE on ARCHE. Snooze fest city.
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