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Ro plz

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Ro plz last won the day on April 7 2021

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About Ro plz

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  • Birthday 06/25/1991

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  1. Can someone explain to me the huge stick up the GazettE's ass when it comes to the US? Please? LOL

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    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Yeah, but wasn't it just as much of a pain to get the Visa's for the other places they went to in their world tour? And I believe they have a pretty significant number of followers here. Idk...I just figured that by now they should've did a round or two here. In a sense, It does kind of feel like they're snubbing the US.

    3. sai


      I can tell you getting into the US is a lot harder than say, Canada, or Europe. I've been to the US a couple of times now, and I needed about 5 different traveler forms, a green card and a passport to even get through security. To get into the US I had to had apply for a green card months in advance and it took ages before they had fully screened me and allowed me in, since you had to answer a lot of questions on why you were going to the US in the first place. Not to mention you have to...

    4. sai


      Then again, bands like Boris and DEG do it too, so it shouldn't be the main reason for not going.

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