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Status Replies posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Does anyone know who's behind VisualScandal?

  2. Does anyone know who's behind VisualScandal?

  3. do not eat ass on christmas

  4. ザアザア(xaa-xaa) Pretty good band!

  5. Excited for Kyouka's new project. https://youtu.be/YtsZoIe3Czk

  6. the kuroyuritokage version of ankoku sekai wa yami is even better than the original CD version imo lol. im pretty sure the lyrics are very different as well. I really want to hear Grieva and Gossip's versions :(

  7. the kuroyuritokage version of ankoku sekai wa yami is even better than the original CD version imo lol. im pretty sure the lyrics are very different as well. I really want to hear Grieva and Gossip's versions :(

  8. the kuroyuritokage version of ankoku sekai wa yami is even better than the original CD version imo lol. im pretty sure the lyrics are very different as well. I really want to hear Grieva and Gossip's versions :(

  9. Is there a new mobile version to this site? Cause it kinda looks bad...

  10. Guys what is the difference between, ?? and を. Explain with example would be really appreciate.

  11. Gonna take the JLPT tomorrow. Wish me luck please!

  12. Gonna take the JLPT tomorrow. Wish me luck please!

  13. so far gossip and meari has done etosetora covers and they're both really good. i wish more bands would do it lol. i was at first not going to upload the meari single but it kinda deserves to be heard so if ppl want to hear it ill up it

  14. God damn you, Karasuna Mei!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. -fight to the death on who won the ains compilation ensues-

  16. グリーヴァ's track 踊ル白昼夢 is the absolute highlight of the new Ains V.A. album... so amazing. The gothy intro totally reminded me of Madeth gray'll vibes. These guys just keep dropping awesome stuff, A+

  17. Enjoying my sunday with MBHI DVD, can I ask more? <3

  18. MBHI Live DVD delivering and giving me life T.T I HATE SUNDAYS IS THE BEST EVER

  19. Stay safe everyone, especially all of you in Paris.

  20. Having nothing I HAVE to do, cleared path for listening to VK and drinking whisky all evening. Purrfect.

  21. VK is getting booooring~

  22. Okay I think I've finally recovered from the awesomeness of Diru in Chicago. Damn.

  23. Now this is Western Visual Kei done the right way:

  24. Since when are Danger Crue's YouTube videos blocked in the US?!

  25. Behold, the unspoken gods, and possibly even creators, of clown kei.

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