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Status Replies posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. german shouldnt be so fucking difficult, its similar to my native tongue, yet i have trouble learning it

  2. german shouldnt be so fucking difficult, its similar to my native tongue, yet i have trouble learning it

  3. german shouldnt be so fucking difficult, its similar to my native tongue, yet i have trouble learning it

  4. german shouldnt be so fucking difficult, its similar to my native tongue, yet i have trouble learning it

  5. german shouldnt be so fucking difficult, its similar to my native tongue, yet i have trouble learning it

  6. how much did the swedish vk wannabes pay to hang out with mia? comment below with your predictions

  7. flatmate throwing a party... tons of people in my house. not like. what is it with ppl enjoying loudly yet awkwardly conversing with mediocre music playing?

  8. That sad moment of realization when you can't find one of your CDs and you have to download it from one of those shitty blogspots and realize its your own rip from six years ago T.T

  9. Time to crack my Japanese textbooks back open. I guess sundays may turn into study days now.

  10. is there any folk metal that isn't corny as hell out there tho

  11. nobody bought anti feminism last release?

  12. xaa xaa actually that great?

  13. suki kirai hirari~ suki kirai hirari~ AvelCain<3

  14. break up after almost 4 years together. only thing i can think is "where do i go from now?" and i have absoutely no idea. fuck my life.

  15. xaa xaa is fantastic. art kei lives.

  16. My scrobbler stopped working again with the new update...... I was never going to stop use lastfm, but maybe it's time to do so

  17. I cant be the only one who understands that this Last fm update is a beta and things will smooth itself out.......c'mon guys.

  18. did last.fm literally fuck up all my scrobbling... what the hell

  19. I hope in soon Banner from Plastic Tree in MH <3

  20. Let me grab the popcorn.

  21. Ha.. Went with my brother to Takeshita-d?ri and suddenly found him with a VK-like Jacket in the hand. Never expected him to enter a store like this without me dragging him into one lool gonna try to turn him Visual now >:)

  22. Kuroyuri to Kage's new mini-album has NO LYRICS in the booklet... =( This band makes me so mad!

  23. Waiting for people's review on Kuroyuri to kage's new mini :v excited to see what ppl think abt it

  24. 高田馬場えいりあん is a triumph.

  25. how fkn great were vice risk and la miss fairy tho? still pisses me off that yayoi doesn't do 1 day revival with them. but i guess its because the bassist is dead ;(. also sad over only having one demo tape of vice risk nowadays D:

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