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Status Replies posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. so it turns out oldschoolers that shock value is in American pop, source: https://youtu.be/drFPonh19TI?t=2m46s So much for your "we superior" attitude ahhahahaha.

  2. I'd like to give a big round of applause to the mod team. Congrats!

  3. And okay, thats weird. Before i make a topic for news i always double check if anyone made it. I did the same with Lycaon, i searched on Ctrl F, i read each topic one by one and made mine. Then some minuts later a topic made by Trombe appears as it was made before mine o_O and its not the first time it happen. Is the forum bugged to my or what??

  4. 昨日本テレビ??「スッキリ??????見???????????????SHIGERU??んSuG??一緒????ん????白??????(笑)

  5. Is there anyone here who listens to japanese rap? Needs some stuff by "Ice bahn" :v

  6. i guess i just say it im frypan im the user who did/still does the band The Pumpkin Head , and to be honest i wasn't going to tell anyone that im frypan coz well i didn't want to get pick on again but some people have already guess it was me so umm yeah

  7. #MH conspiracy theories: frypan evolved into blackdoll

  8. Too much Sriracha. Gonna die.

  9. Woah, so many negative status updates.

  10. After the Kuroyuri to kage album release, listening to Grieva and Gossip just doesn't feel as satisfying :v

  11. After the Kuroyuri to kage album release, listening to Grieva and Gossip just doesn't feel as satisfying :v

  12. Okay so this Kuroyuri to Kage album is just flawless. Two perfect albuns in the same month.... Visual is absolutely not dead! Now let's wait for Pentagon's...

  13. Kuroyuri to Kageeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  14. my onion on camera obscura: 0/10 it doesnt even make pictures this was my review of Camera Obscura

  15. Kuroyuri to Kageeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  16. best vk lyrics?
  17. best vk lyrics?
  18. today i remembered when this forum overflowed with life and got a bit nostalgic. the kiwamu thread was fun.

  19. 2004 gazette best gazette
  20. i am so hungover -v- great birthday yesterday though. seeing grieva, arlequin, dezert and then went out for beers with some friends ^^

  21. Taking recommendations for good study/reading music. (That generally means instrumental for me, but I'm open!)

  22. What's up with the last.fm similar artists for amber gris? ^^;

  23. Passed my exam in Japanese, yay.

  24. Gossip's new single is so awesome

  25. 2:30 in the afternoon. i guess this is standard time to get home after visiting kenzi's bar lol

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