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  1. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    Like I said, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. If they're not worth mediating - that is to say, if they're so low that they're not even worth helping - why are they worth talking about? It won't do anything and there are more important things to be doing and more important conversations to be had; like this one, for instance. I know I probably sound like an old fart, but that's my two cents.
    Right, but that doesn't explain why we deserve to pry into innocent people's private lives when they haven't actually done anything wrong. I know more stories that may or may not be true about people doing whatever than I care to purely from overhearing what people near me have said, but I don't know any sex offenders in my area.
  2. I feel ya..
    CAT5 got a reaction from nekkichi in random thoughts thread   
    @nekkichi - sis,  I love you, but you just completely missed my points, and now you just debating for debate's sake. 
    I feel where ya commin' from overall tho. Me personally, i'm good on all that gossip stuff. I would never recommend it, but aye, do what works for you - i ain't mad at it!
  3. Interesting
    CAT5 reacted to nekkichi in random thoughts thread   
    you can also argue that cocaine (and other drug dependencies) are hereditary and have more control over someone's habits than said someone having control over their drug habits VS rape as an issue of power control, stimulated by idk unrestrained sadistic/sociopath urges;
    one doesn't necessarily harm anyone but the addict (and whoever involved in the production chain crime), another one is inherently violent and traumatising.
    we def. haven't evolved into a species of addicts or rapists, but we aren't remotely as spiritual or well-intending as we pretend to be as a whole.
    ummmm I have lots of questions why you're comparing rape to procreation in the first place; I can counter-act that by current porn culture (gay or straight) dominated by rape tropes (there's both the demand and it's abundantly met by the supply), but I can't think of anyone watching child birth videos for entertainment. the intent behind both acts is clearly different, even if mechanics are vaguely overlapping lmao.
    what if the involved parties are not worth mediating but the tea can be spillT?
    which is the reason why public sex offender registries exist?... 
    yasss we stan a confession!!!
  4. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in random thoughts thread   
    There's a difference between gossip and simply sharing knowledge, and it lies in one's intent. Gossip is usually driven by ill-intentions.
    The brain/body is built to do many things. However, the manner in which those things are done matters a great deal. The intent matters.
    For instance, it's probably not a good idea to defend someone's cocaine  addiction by saying "well, the brain is built to secrete dopamine anyways!", and just leave it at that.
    In similar fashion, that would be like explaining away the actions of a rapist by saying "well, science says you were built to procreate, so, it's all good."
    That's an interesting article you linked, but this is a spiritual issue. So intent matters.
    You can either try to bring peace and understanding to a matter or you can sow discord and seeds of contempt and condemnation . Gossip tends to do the latter.
  5. LOVE!
    CAT5 reacted to Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    Well... there's a difference between talking about someone behind their back because they're a genuinely bad person and talking about someone behind their back because of "the tea". I think the first one is okay because they deserve to have people warned against them if that's the case, but the second one can actually be really hurtful. Just because we can do something, that doesn't mean we should. I also greatly disapprove of those people who think it's okay to just straight-up lie about people for the sake of entertainment. Yeah, okay, our brains can process it, but the person whose expense it's at can't, hence why they get so upset; and rightfully so.
    Chances are, if people are willing to gossip about someone else, they're willing to gossip about you. It's all very well and good until it comes back to bite you on the arse.
    Besides, we could go on forever about things our brains are built to process. They're also built to process having a tiger chase us - hence our fight or flight response - but that doesn't mean you should go to the jungle and provoke a seven-hundred-pound predator.
  6. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Lestat in random thoughts thread   
    There's a difference between gossip and simply sharing knowledge, and it lies in one's intent. Gossip is usually driven by ill-intentions.
    The brain/body is built to do many things. However, the manner in which those things are done matters a great deal. The intent matters.
    For instance, it's probably not a good idea to defend someone's cocaine  addiction by saying "well, the brain is built to secrete dopamine anyways!", and just leave it at that.
    In similar fashion, that would be like explaining away the actions of a rapist by saying "well, science says you were built to procreate, so, it's all good."
    That's an interesting article you linked, but this is a spiritual issue. So intent matters.
    You can either try to bring peace and understanding to a matter or you can sow discord and seeds of contempt and condemnation . Gossip tends to do the latter.
  7. LOVE!
    CAT5 got a reaction from Aferni in random thoughts thread   
    lol, I can imagine. Gossip is inherently toxic. I used to indulge in it and hang around others who did as well, until I realized A) It's dull, life-less chatter that doesn't benefit anyone or anything and B ) I'm a grown-ass man. And any grown man that sits around gossiping is not much of a man at all. That's some simp shit.
    Ancient wisdom tells us a few things like:
    "A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much."
    "A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends. "
    and I've found these both to be true. The same people I used to gossip with are the same people who are quick to talk shit about me (behind my back) today. As these types of ppl have no integrity and are basically fake as hell. And I've also literally lost friends (or ppl i thought were friends at least) over things that other ppl said about me. As truth doesn't matter to these kinds of ppl - they'll take one side of a story and run with it, instead of diligently seeking into a matter.
    So yeah, gossip is just toxic. It's a like a black hole of drama and chaos. But I can definitely say that I've been much more productive and my life has been much more positive since I made a conscious effort to avoid gossiping and gossipers alike!
  8. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in random thoughts thread   
    lol, I can imagine. Gossip is inherently toxic. I used to indulge in it and hang around others who did as well, until I realized A) It's dull, life-less chatter that doesn't benefit anyone or anything and B ) I'm a grown-ass man. And any grown man that sits around gossiping is not much of a man at all. That's some simp shit.
    Ancient wisdom tells us a few things like:
    "A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much."
    "A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends. "
    and I've found these both to be true. The same people I used to gossip with are the same people who are quick to talk shit about me (behind my back) today. As these types of ppl have no integrity and are basically fake as hell. And I've also literally lost friends (or ppl i thought were friends at least) over things that other ppl said about me. As truth doesn't matter to these kinds of ppl - they'll take one side of a story and run with it, instead of diligently seeking into a matter.
    So yeah, gossip is just toxic. It's a like a black hole of drama and chaos. But I can definitely say that I've been much more productive and my life has been much more positive since I made a conscious effort to avoid gossiping and gossipers alike!
  9. I feel ya..
    CAT5 got a reaction from lichtlune in Civil debate forum   
    I appreciate both your proposal and your genuine concern for the community, lil' sis. But unfortunately, I don't see the need for something like this - and here's why:
    This is already an open forum, so people are free to discuss and debate whatever topics they'd like to as long as they abide by the forum rules. 'Civility' is already a prerequisite to posting here, and we've got tons of forums/sub-forums suitable for a variety of topics. It's already the job of staff to quell unnecessary drama . We're not always as efficient as we'd like to be, but fuck, we're human. sue us Too many people would just use this as an opportunity to indulge in pointless one-upsmanship instead of seeking genuine understanding. And lastly, this forum just isn't mature enough to debate important topics without taking things personally. Hell, half of the community would already be triggered before the debate even got started. 🤷‍♂️
  10. Like
    CAT5 reacted to platy in random thoughts thread   
    I used to go on this internet personality gossip forum religiously. It's been a month since I've last been on it and I use my time much better lol
  11. Like
    CAT5 reacted to gret in Hi!   
    Decided to join after lurking for a while and reading through the threads. Here for the music...and the drama, ngl 😎
    Knew of VK previously but only checked it out recently, it has definitely changed somewhat from what I remembered. didn't expect chekis to be a thing, for one. 
    Looking for recommendations too since I have only gotten a few songs from almost every band I came across. The only exception is codomo dragon which  is my favorite right now. I prefer clean singing, though some growls/screaming is ok too. I prefer Dimlim's latest single over most of Chedora, for example.
    I really like: Ningen isu, most of kizu, gulu gulu's single, and like 3 arlequin songs lol.
    Songs like Henry by ZZooo are cool with me too!
    Non-japanese bands are fine too - looking to expand my repertoire! 
    I...also  listen to some 8psb...
  12. LOVE!
    CAT5 reacted to nekkichi in random thoughts thread   
    no that's bs and you should bring this stuff up, there should be noticeable and very real improvement coming from ur medication regimen within the first days, otherwise it likely won't work longterm either; you are expected to wait out several weeks, but it's not typically what happens irl either.
    I would quietly start looking for another dr and I've heard personal anecdotes of bad citalopram reactions (I've never been on it myself tho so idk), but this isn't a normal or even acceptable response to ADs if you're thinking about dropping them altogether
    I can honestly tell I loved zoloft while it worked for me and this was a shared sentiment in the depression thread I've frequented on elsewhere, but you should be aware that dropping a dr if you don't get any real and tangible improvement is a normal part of the process and you might go through it several times ltr, all depends on how well your condition responds to med treatment
  13. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Saishu in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    I feel like Sho is one of the rare vocalists that uses growls when they’re appropriate for the lyrics
  14. I feel ya..
    CAT5 reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    I've been on antidepressants for 9 days and GHYLGADLGAJIODLKGL i just wanna quit. Happy pills sure make me feel like crap physically.
  15. LOLOL
    CAT5 reacted to Takadanobabaalien in random thoughts thread   
    please stop trying to summon kawaii minpha
  16. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from nullmoon in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    And I'm %100 cool with this. I mean, I was never HUGE on certain kinds of harsh vocals to begin with, but in many cases I just find them pretty frivolous.  And it's kinda like the older I get, the less inclined i am to listen to other grown-ass men impersonate the boogey man.
  17. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Duwang in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    And I'm %100 cool with this. I mean, I was never HUGE on certain kinds of harsh vocals to begin with, but in many cases I just find them pretty frivolous.  And it's kinda like the older I get, the less inclined i am to listen to other grown-ass men impersonate the boogey man.
  18. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from VESSMIER in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    And I'm %100 cool with this. I mean, I was never HUGE on certain kinds of harsh vocals to begin with, but in many cases I just find them pretty frivolous.  And it's kinda like the older I get, the less inclined i am to listen to other grown-ass men impersonate the boogey man.
  19. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Duwang in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    So I got my copy of the single today, and to my surprise 肉腫と繁殖と不快感 is not the new song DIMLIM has been playing since March (currently known as "xxx"), but a ballad.
    In other words, this release is 100% clean vocals.
  20. Like
    CAT5 reacted to yomii in Show Yourself (again)   
    remember me as the young girl you see in the photo cuz i have final exams tomorrow so its very likely ill age 40 years in a single night

  21. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Tokage in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    yo this is actually legit really, really good & it's p fucked up how thoroughly mediocre this makes like the majority of the contemporary vk scene look by comparison 
  22. Like
    CAT5 reacted to enyx in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    Holy fuck! That track is amazing!
    Really really really glad @hyuragot me to check out CHEDOARA last year, this band is the shit.
  23. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from riibbon in shigatsu. disbands due to infidelity   
    tbh It's not really ridiculous if the vocalist and his fiancee plan to continue their relationship. As if the affair itself wasn't a big enough offense, continuing to work with "the other woman" would just be throwing salt on the wound.
    Affairs are hurtful, messy business and they usually have these kinds of negative ripple effects.
    That said....who the fuck is this band anyways????
  24. LOVE!
    CAT5 got a reaction from deadman in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    These dudes is on another level. I fuckin love it.

  25. LOVE!
    CAT5 got a reaction from nomemorial in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    These dudes is on another level. I fuckin love it.

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