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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    Geez, took me 3 different sittings to finish the Sukekiyo album. My first impression was that it definitely doesn't live up to the hype, but with me being such a casual fan of DeG and their related projects, I can't say that I've been thoroughly blown away by anything Kyo has done in the past. DeG have many songs that I enjoy, but no entire albums. So basically, I feel pretty much the same about "IMMORTALIS" as I would a regular DeG album - a few standout tracks, with the rest failing to really invoke anything in me (tho not being bad overall). Needless to say, I hope to give "IMMORTALIS" a few more listens (and actually listen to the album in one sitting) before I mentally put it up on the shelf.
  2. CAT5

    Oh, my top 2 will always be 9GOATS BLACK OUT - Sink (from Devils in Bedside) and RENTRER EN SOI - wither (from Sphire-Croid) Other favorites: BUCK-TICK - Long Distance Call (from 極東 I LOVE YOU) D'espairsRay - R.E.M-冬の幻聴- (from REDEEMER) the GazettE - DISTRESS AND COMA (from DIM) DIR EN GREY - INCONVENIENT IDEAL (from UROBOROS) I think that's about it.
  3. As if I needed any more reasons to make SZA my wife. She has a great singing voice, makes cool music, is fine as hell, got body for days, humble as fuck, and apparently VERY acrobatic according to this clip: http://cat5ongaku.tumblr.com/post/84496026381/szaandthings-szaforthesoul-this-is-what-sza

    1. fitear1590


      :D impressive!

      Have you warmed up to the Z EP yet?

  4. Fairly certain that I just experienced a drive-by headache. Yikes

  5. CAT5

    Welcome to the community!
  6. These are niiice! I'm a sucker for classical and orchestral music, so I'm gonna have to track down this OST too. You just reminded me of the Le Chevalier D'Eon soundtrack which I also thought was great!
  7. Yeah, I pretty much consider Sawano to be the Hans Zimmer of anime - always brilliantly epic. Also, I don't believe you've shared that FF track with me before, but it's awesome! I've never heard of shiki, but the track you shared is lovely. I'll definitely look into it! I haven't finished GBF yet (I'm around the 10th ep or so) and I haven't actually listened to the OST on it's own yet, but just from watching the show - I've really been pleased with the score. I haven't seen a ton of anime series with music worthy of note, so on that merit alone, I wouldn't consider it to be an average score. Although it's certainly not the most amazing score I've ever heard (that would still be GITS:SAC for me). ^_^' In another fit of nostalgia, I'd also like to go all the way back to 1989 to visit Phantasy Star II, which was an RPG released on the sega genesis. The music on this game will forever hold a place in my memory...such wonderfully crafted tunes for such a limited sonic palette I remember this being played on a few exotic maps during the game THE BEST FUCKING "GAME OVER" MUSIC EVER MADE! This track was played during the very end of the game during the climax/one fucked up twist. Basically the source of the game's evil was unveiled and it was pretty sad/depressing. This game had a hella bitter-sweet ending (mostly bitter tho, heh)
  8. CAT5

    Welcome to MH!
  9. Champ made a thread like this for games last year, but I've made this thread to include osts from all different formats. I found an old CD-R of anime music I burned around 2003 (I was 16), and was reminded of an oooooooooooooold bgm that I remember hearing as a child. It brought back such a profound gust of nostalgia that I decided to make this thread to share it. So yeah, feel free to share your favorite tracks from Games, Anime, Movies, or whatever...as long as they're awesome! - This track comes wayyyyyyyyyy back from the late 80's! It's from Yoroiden Samurai Troopers aka Ronin Warriors. Classic imo! and this is the same melody, but a slightly different interpretation: I'll post some more later. There's so much stuff out there that I love, so I'll just post in small doses
  10. CAT5

    WHY HAVE I NEVER COMMENTED HERE!!!???? D: Anyhow, GITS:SAC is one of my absolute favorite series of all time. I heard the osts first (like 2004/2005), but didn't actually bother to watch the series until 2007. Since then, I've rewatched both seasons a shitload of times - srsly. I've also watched Solid state society a few times, but It kinda dragged along at times. The first 2 original movies are good, but I enjoy the fleshed out characters/universe of the series much more. Also, has anyone been keeping up with GHOST IN THE SHELL ARISE? The first 2 OVAs have been great so far - seeing the origins of section 9 is pretty fun. I'm not crazy about the OST tho...cornelius did a good job, but he didn't really create an OST that I'd listen to..."stand alone"
  11. *goes to search something, and accidentally posts status instead* gdi

  12. Uchuu combini playing with TTNG, LOW-PASS, and nim in Japan. That sounds like one amazing math-rock eargasm.

  13. Would anyone like to plug this evening around 7pm or 8pm GMT/UTC ?

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      that's in abut 20 minutes, amirite?

    2. Jigsaw9


      IT BETTER BE. ;<

    3. CAT5


      around that time

    4. Show next comments  324 more
  14. CAT5

    Hey there, welcome to the site!
  15. TAMTAM networking with reknown (and classy) musicians like Tabu Zombie (SOIL&“PIMP?? SESSIONS) and mito (clammbon) is wonderful sight to see. I hope great things are in store for them.

  16. CAT5

    Miasma, there is no need for insults. I've never read the books, but I agree the scene probably could have been handled a bit differently. Episode three was fairly slow in general, so perhaps the production team took the cheap/raunchy way out by throwing rape into the equation in an attempt to "spice" things up. Who knows. What I do know, however, is that this is a fictional television series. You may have strong views when it comes to certain topics of social justice, but to be perfectly frank with you, none of that has any place here. If certain aspects of GoT anger you to the point where you have to lash out at other people who don't share your opinion, then perhaps watching this show isn't a healthy pastime for you. Please try to be more respectful from here on out.
  17. CAT5

    Please do share when you get a chance - I'd love to hear it. If you don't have their previous release and would like to hear it, just let me know.
  18. I've been thinking about a lot of old, mainstream songs that I used to enjoy for some reaon. I still love the piano riff in this song.

  19. Thumbs up to AvelCain. Thanks for the recommendation, senedjem.

    1. Senedjem
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Trying out their album rn. I liked some of their singles

  20. Happy Birthday, Saku!

  21. What's with all of the Stalin dick-worship?
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