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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. Even though I don't post much on FB, It took me to log out of it to realize how much I instinctively visit the site. Can't be healthy lol

    1. nick


      MH is way better than FB tbh.

    2. sai


      never understood facebook's appeal tbqh

    3. Mind of the sun

      Mind of the sun

      Same here, mostly us it to keep in touch with friends.

    4. Show next comments  339 more
    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I've seen the top one but not the rest. What have you done :((((

  2. CAT5

    So...still watching space dandy. This is one weird-ass show...the fact that there's no continuity is interesting - It's taken some getting used to, but I dunno. I've yet to watch an episode and think "damn this is good!"...although episode 5 has come the closest. I have no idea what keeps me coming back besides the ost tbh lol.
  3. CAT5

    OK, SCREW KILL LA KILL. Episode 22 had me teary-eyed pretty much the entire time. Not since I started watching ONE PIECE has a show managed to turn me into a complete bitch LOL. pfft...amazing.
  4. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Ito



    2. CAT5


      I'm losing my mind and i like it

    3. CAT5


      I'm losing my mind and i like it

    4. Show next comments  339 more
  5. It is time to ascend. See you all on the flip side. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

    1. Tokage


      translators note: TIME TO GET FUCKIN BAKED HAHA 420 BLAZE IT

    2. CAT5


      Nigga I wish...well, maybe lol. Nah, I don't have any weed hookups lol. But we are in the age of aquarius.

  6. ayyyyyyyyyyye

  7. Pretsy is mah waifu

    1. CAT5


      pretsy don't deny our love...I'll never forget that one time in the chat...when we...you know *___*

    2. Show next comments  339 more
    1. CAT5


      LOL...I've never found beyonce attractive tbh. She's always been "eh" to me. Solange on the other hand...she is mesmerizing, haha :'3

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  8. Anyone want to plug ON HUMP DAY? I'm not a thug http://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/

    1. sai


      does that lead to anal porn as well

    2. CAT5


      no silly

    3. CAT5


      whelp, plug crashed so i'm done lol

    4. Show next comments  339 more
  9. So my former tumblr nick has already been bastardized lmao: http://surreallustration.tumblr.com/

    1. Ito


      poooooorn lol

    2. sai


      LOL gdi CAT thank god I didn't click this

    3. CAT5


      yeah, someome or SOMETHING took my old name =/

    4. Show next comments  339 more
  10. CAT5

    new diru album?
  11. fffffff lots of great Japanese releases this week. Not a great time to be broke lol

    1. Spectralion


      Importing visual-kei stuff really need a massive amount of money

  12. CAT5

    ayyyyyyyyyyyyye. I'd watch a sherlock anime if they did it right! http://tomoyowang.tumblr.com/post/57343765804/anyo-haseyo-sherlock
  13. tumblr stop recommending me gazette blogs - sixth guns can suck my sixth d!ck ;3

    1. CAT5


      cuz i have 6 of 'em

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      all gazette blogs are just stacked rubbish

    3. kyoisKILLINGME
  14. The 80's was a very creepy time in history

  15. I forgot about jazz....o___0

    1. Zeus
    2. Biopanda


      I used to know a fat black guy named Jazz. I forgot about him.

    3. kyoisKILLINGME
    4. Show next comments  339 more
  16. Who wants to start an emo/hardcore/math-rock band with me

    1. Senedjem


      i can play clay jug + a comb with a piece of tracing paper on it

    2. CAT5


      sure, lets get avant-garde too

    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      can i perform in drag #Important

    4. Show next comments  339 more
  17. Follow my friend on tumblr if u like Japanese indie-pop, SSW, folk, etc http://goodtimemusicforxx.tumblr.com/

    1. whitegrey


      *bookmarked* <3

  18. CAT5

    swag Nice pics broskiiz
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