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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. Noticing a few parallels between ONE PIECE and HxH, but it's probably JUST A SHOUNEN THANG

  2. Recap episodes are so cheap. Why are creators so inconsiderate of the viewers (like me) who illegally download and marathon their shows? :P

    1. Ito


      Those Fuckers!

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Are you watching Gundam Seed? Because that's pretty much 36 episodes of recaps and maybe 14 episodes of talking

  3. If this were cheaper, I'd buy it for the DVD alone. Major labels and their shitty pricing tho....jfc
  4. LOL, I went and revisited some of my old faves from Galneryus, and I just couldn't do it. I have no idea how I used to be able to listen to Yama-B's engrish.

    1. Licio123


      Yama-B is legendary! He should be immortalized XD

      But I still like them a lot. Yama-B's Galneryus was better then Sho's.

    2. JukaForever


      His engrish sounds aggressive and kinda fits their music on a whole

    3. DeithX252


      I prefer Yama-B instead of the new vocalist

    4. Show next comments  321 more
  5. CAT5

    Several MERRY records suffer from really shitty production - which is a shame because I've always enjoyed them musically, but can only listen to a handful of their recorded material. They strike me as a band that's probably better live anyways, but still... Also, the indie band YUEY has NEVER had great production - which is also tragic since they're such great songwriters.
  6. Happy Birthday, paradoxal!

    1. paradoxal


      awww thank you guys! :)

  7. CAT5

    bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, tell me about it. Oda is a genius. How do you keep shit so consistently interesting!!???
  8. Sure, i'll check it out.
  9. Do not fight the universe, you will lose - everytime.

    1. Tetora


      Man has the power to change his universe, and then possibly the one around him. We were born flightless beings, then we flew planes, then we reached space. And sometimes many have to reach and come up short to inspire others who will eventually make it.

    2. CAT5


      That's what i'm saying, maiku.

    3. Flash-Fab-Supernova


      You guys sound like ravers.

    4. Show next comments  321 more
  10. Nice. He released an EP last year that was pretty good.
  11. CAT5

    That's a great story. I had been wondering lately about the validity of long-distance relationships, but I suppose this proves anything is possible.
  12. I'm not so much bothered by the tracklist as much as I'm bothered by the fact that they're actually releasing this. The entire concept of "Greatest hits" albums has always been supremely cheesy to me (especially if you haven't been around for several decades).
  13. Greatist hits lol...*sigh*
  14. CAT5

    That is gnarly. Thanks mang!
  15. ^ I heard a NieR tribute album which was amazing (I checked it out because I featured Japanese artists i like such as world`s end girlfriend, Schroeder-Headz, and sexy synthesizer) - but I never bothered to check out the original. Gonna have to do that soon!
  16. CAT5

    I feel like an idiot because it took me a year to finally realize why there are hardly any tumblr users around my age - basically because the site is full of confused kids/young adults trying to make sense of reality through highly delusional rants, memes, and text posts. These kids have no idea who they really are yet, but they constantly cling to all of these ridiculous titles and acronyms. I suppose it gives them a sense of identity...a sense of belonging...even if that sense is questionable. If they only define themselves by titles/acronyms, they won't have a clue who they really are when those things no longer matter (outside of tumblr and the internet). Ah well. In retrospect, I suppose I wasn't much different at that age either. At any rate, I guess I no longer have to ask myself why everone I meet there is usually 15-23 years of age lol. Just thinking aloud here...
  17. Listening to some of the tracks from the Shingeki no Kyojin OST again....man, this anime DID NOT deserve Sawano lol
  18. CAT5

    I have a special request! This was my favorite look for Satsuki. If you could do one of Satsuki from this era, but add cat ears/whiskers/nose (whatever you can to make him cat-like) that would be awesome. Basically - CATsuki
  19. CAT5

    I laughed out loud for real lol. But srsly, you're fuckin talented. Looking forward to seeing more!
  20. CAT5

  21. Kyo taking pics with TK. The unofficial poster boys for VK and non-VK rock alike. The worlds have collided. https://31.media.tumblr.com/722edb52754fb2be1bbbde916dd2c13e/tumblr_n4684s4ojv1t34w41o1_1280.jpg

  22. Piisu, would you wear these? ; ) http://051124324315.tumblr.com/post/84522894550

    1. CAT5


      I don't much care for sneakers, but I'll take the flip flops, haha :P

    2. Tetora


      Wooooooow, so cool!

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      yeah I would rock those everywhere... I don't give no fucks XD

    4. Show next comments  321 more
  23. CAT5

    I'd say the DEG and Sukikeyo comparisons were bound to happen. This is always the case when a member from a certain band goes into a new project. In fact, I'd even argue that it's most logical to compare a musicians current work to their previous work, regardless of the individual aims of those works. I think comparing and contrasting these works allows you to more clearly discern the different aims of each. But as time goes on and all of the hype eventually dies off, both works will inevitably have to stand on their own merit. Besides with a voice as distinct and iconic as Kyo's, it's nearly impossible not to conjure up comparisons to DEG.
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