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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    You guys have some pretty amazing lists! The only Japanese band I've seen in melt-banana back in Atlanta back in 2007.
  2. CAT5

    Yall too slow, step it up!
  3. The universe is ceaselessly surprising..

  4. CAT5

    ^ Absolutely HATES attack on titan...ESPECIALLY JEAN AND MARCO
  5. 1. Dragon Ash 2. Lynch. 3. Avanchick 4. MERRY 5. Plastic Tree 6. Sadie 6. cinema staff 7. 9mm Parabellum Bullet 8. GLAY 9. NIGHTMARE 10. SEX-ANDROID
  6. CAT5

    Nice list!...I most certainly enjoy some shiina, DEG, Deftones, and QOTSA! ....Can't say that I really listen to the others, but that seems like it would be a nice, cohesive playlist. :'3 01 Spangle call Lilli line - cliche 02 COHOL - 砂上 03 FLUID - 2D boys melancholy 04 Esmerine - Translator's Clos I 05 65daysofstatic - Taipei 06 MAMADRIVE - 妄想天国 07 Shugo Tokumari - Helictite (LeSeMoDe) 08 LITE - Between Us 09 orange pekoe - 燈台 10 awamok - 秋雨のせいだろう hmm...going with SCLL. This playlist isn't doing much for me as a whole right now
  7. CAT5

    ^ I'm only truly familiar with MERRY and SOAD from your list. I've heard several songs from Versailles, but I don't believe I've actually listened to an entire album. 01 DOTAMA - スイッチ 02 Kendrick Lamar - Ab-Soul's Outro 03 Eric Lau - The Gathering 04 新居昭乃 - 覚醒都市 05 Jill Scott - He Loves Me (Lyzel In E Flat) 06 Bilal - All Matter 07 The Low Frequency In Stereo - Black Receiver 08 Tame Impala - It Is Not Meant To Be 09 Ces Cru - Juice (feat. Tech N9ne) 10 Sy Smith - Messages From The Stars !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is tough! Lots of hip hop and r&b in this shuffle.....everything sounds good atm, so I'll just pick Ms. Sy Smith since it was the last in the shuffle.
  8. WE'RE LATE NIGHT PLUGGIN' AGAIN! http://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/

    1. Biopanda


      I'll plug into you guys in a bit if you're still on

    2. togz


      we prolly will be

  9. late night plus session, LET'S GO http://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/

    1. Spectralion


      My connection is suck. I hate my country...

    2. whitegrey


      I missed it :< But I'd really like to do some sorts of a Rap Special or such some time. I have some golden stuff on that field (both good and bad)... :P

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      10/10 would repeat evrtym

    4. Show next comments  315 more
  10. Indeed. And looking at how NB's releases are priced, they're not very considerate LOL. They should certainly try to make their music more affordable if they're concerned about overseas fans so much. (I looked on itunes US, and their full-length album is priced higher than the new lana del rey album...granted, it's only a dollar more, but....really???)
  11. CAT5

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Very interesting and enlightening so far..
  12. 1. Dragon Ash 2. Lynch. 3. VAASTU 4. MERRY 5. Plastic Tree 6. Sadie 7. Lin 7. 9mm Parabellum Bullet 8. GLAY 9. NIGHTMARE 10. Megaromania
  13. So I originally intended to post a simple status about this, but as I continued to type, I found myself burrowing a seemingly deeper rabbit hole. There's a new album coming out that I'd like to hear (the new boris, but the band name is irrelevant), and it's already available to stream in it's entirety via NPR. I already know several people who have listened to the stream and yet I haven't been able to bring myself to do the same. So I stepped back and asked myself why? Here's an album that I'm most certainly interested in, and yet I choose to abstain from listening. My initial response was that "i'd wait until the album leaks" before I listen to it. And so I took another step back and asked myself, "why wait until it leaks?" And now that I think about it, I DO feel a bit odd about waiting for an album to leak before listening to it (when said album is available to streem in full). I can understand a person waiting to obtain a physical copy and not listening to a leak, but waiting for a leak and not listening to a stream? I guess i'm still trying to wrap my head around this. I think this kind of behavior sheds some new light on how the dynamics of music comsumption has evolved, as the advent of streaming has added an entirely new dimension to things. This additional element has also allowed me to more clearly see that I really do view mp3s (leaks & so on) as property/something that I own. (this issue is also somewhat related to the nocturnal bloodlust thread because streaming services have introduced a new aspect that also affects the music indsutry, aside from piracy) I'm really just rambling here, but I suppose my questions for you all would be: Do you partake in streaming music/make use of streaming services? How has this affected the way you consume music? Do you all feel a certain sense of ownership over digital files (whether purchased or pirated)? How would you describe your methods of music consumption? As hinted at above, I haven't really found a place for streaming yet in my music consumption habits. I'd only find a stream useful if I planned to buy an album that I was certain would not leak and wanted to sample it. The bulk of my music purchases have been focused on releases that would be difficult or impossible to find online,so I guess you can say that my music consumption habits are steeped in pirate/music-trader ethics. I do use 'google music' to stream my digital collection to my phone when i'm on the go, but essentially i'm still just making use of the files I bought/pirated - so there's still that vague sense of "ownership". My apologies for the scattered/hazy post btw ^^;;
  14. I watched it last year with my gf at the time. It was definitely enjoyable and the I remember the final episode being pretty intense. I need to check out the new season...
  15. Kai, your plan failed - I only have 2 shouts on my last.fm. Next time, bro, next time ;)

    1. Licio123



    2. kai_desu


      I didnt have time to throw up a message about it, so you got off this time.

    3. kai_desu


      Or you know. I can always take the forum down and redirect everyone to your last.fm shoutbox directly 8D;

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  16. I'm both broken and missing

    1. CAT5


      I was making a joke in reference to the site announcement, but I can def. be emo

    2. togz


      I was going to say... time to pack up a pound of cat food and catnip to venture in to the world to uncover the missing CAT5

    3. CAT5


      lol @ both of u XD

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  17. CAT5

    So yeah, Morel from HxH is just a really cool-ass concept for a character
  18. CAT5

    ^ I think that SOAD song is one of the few songs from them that I still enjoy! 01. Gregory And The Hawk - Puller Return 02. Arctic Monkeys - Secret Door 03. Glasser - Window III 04. cokiyu - Twinkle Way (with Baths) 05. Zero 7 - The Space Between 06. Marika Hackman - Bath is Black 07. Wolf People - Morning Born 08. a picture of her - Picnic-Perfect 09. Nabowa - a.k.a. 10. the GazettE - LEECH hrm...lots of good stuff, but imma go with Wolf People. LEECH is a jam tho
  19. 1. NEGA 2. Lynch. 3. Royz 4. MERRY 5. Plastic Tree 6. Sadie 7. D.I.D. 8. GLAY 9. AND -ECCENTRIC AGENT- 9, cinema staff 10. Megaromania
  20. yo...has there ever been any ska in VK?

    1. Wonrei


      glay has a ska song, Blast. Zi kill has Mr. Market(some kind of great sounding ripoff of siouxsie's cover of the passenger)

    2. Biopanda
    3. CAT5


      Haha, thanks everyone

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  21. CAT5

    Sup and...welcome back? I have this vague feeling that maybe I follow you on tumblr or something?...I dunno THE NOVEMBERS are a wonderful band btw!
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