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CAT5 last won the day on October 23 2020

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About CAT5

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    Son of Slaves. Seed of Kings.
  • Birthday 03/19/1987

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  1. POLKADOT STINGRAY's google commercial is pretty cute. Interesting to see this considering that they're a relatively new indie band with barely any music on record. I wonder if this'll affect their career at all.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hakoniwa


      Also this is the song you're looking for!


    3. CAT5


      @Hakoniwa- I am idiot. Sorry about that. I completely overlooked the part where you said it was a cover song. XD I feel like I may have heard another cover of it before too, aha. I actually just heard that new POLKADOT EP (it's on jps). It was alright. I feel like they have all of the right tools, they just need some polish. Their vocalist is pretty great.


      That Yubisaki nohaku band doesn't sound bad either. Thanks for a least giving it a shot. I wish more Japanese bands would make use of bandcamp - that would be wonderful.

    4. Hakoniwa


      Haha no problem! XD And I agree! Lots of korean indie bands are using bandcamp right now and it really helps.  Japanese... not so much. They overlook the power of digital sales AND overseas fans. Really. :< You probably heard another cover, it's a pretty famous song! And I do think Yubisaki can do great things in the future... they are often described as a mix between tricot and Akai Kouen and I can see that. The video they put up before that one is pretty funny too. But yeah, at least she was really nice to me, it makes me feel like buying but I caaaannn't right now :'(

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