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Status Updates posted by stylelover

  1. your inbox is full so > hi. sorry to bother you http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/13784-toxic-strawberry-haji-ex-sawdust-in-me-addict-to-me/ could you maybe reupload this? doesnt seem like many people took it and its nowhere to be found except here. thanks

    1. ramrod


      yeah no problem :>

    2. ramrod


      i just checked my harddrive. i odnt currently have it on there. MY HDD actually died with all my music from2010 onwards gone :'(

      but luckily i bought the CDs so i will rerip for you. just give me a bit :)

  2. fuck you itunes. FUCK YOU. and fuck you too iOS7 . y so slow

    1. Seimeisen


      Because not being slow would be convenient for the users... and that simply cannot be.

    2. sai


      It's because it's the first edition and the first editions always suck.

  3. omg that ア​ルルカン single <3

    1. Catness


      Will au hörn :( xD

    2. CaRaN


      ^ Whatever she said [2]

  4. amazing match yesterday. omg

    1. Tetora


      Oi, when will it be Japans turn to dominate like that. Almost broke a couch last time they scored a goal... five in a row and I would probably burn my house down.

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      The cup is for US (NETHERLAND) !

  5. i want to

    1. Tetora


      'All I want is to be great.'

    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      go to munich to see born and lycaon instead of lameass köln

  6. :o ninjas are real
    1. Jigsaw9


      lmao @ 1:42

    2. Ito


      Hahaha, that was great.

  7. new t-ara is so amazing omg

    1. Ro plz
    2. blackdoll


      nevermind it was just the beginning, the rest blehhh

  8. yesss. my graphic card is dead. (probably.. idk? probably) so happy -.-

    1. Rize


      That's... T.T

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      time to upgrade for the holidays :)

  9. artist i like didnt release anything since nov 2013, yesterday i thought about wanting a comeback so much and today she posts #comeback at facebook, lol.

    1. stylelover


      wish that would always work

    2. Shmilly


      +11111 to that

  10. YANAKIKU album is sooo good. huge suprise

    1. stylelover


      its certainly not like your usual recent idol jpop imo. they have a few pvs if you didnt check them out.

  11. good old videogame times

    1. Keiyuu


      David Wise is a genius <3

    2. plastic_rainbow
  12. anyone any idea what this could be? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59729890/2015-06-25 00.11.19.mov screen just goes black, i also randomly have flickering and image intereferences when i watch videos. same thing happened while opening mediafire earlier? no problems at all with normal sites etc.

    1. stylelover


      checked usual stuff. everything plugged in correctly. drivers are up to date~

    2. inartistic


      Is it Chrome only? Try disabling hardware acceleration maybe?

  13. that new chariots song ♥ great to hear riku again.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      do you know where it's possible to listen it ?

    2. stylelover


      im sure it will be uploaded soon

  14. so many status updates here ;_; spamsai

    1. sai



  15. well gazette wasnt as bad as expected. pretty good actually

  16. ponpon way-way-way

    1. allisapp


      welcome to MH ^.-

  17. wtf. what is wrong with people at last.fm. this is literally the worst picture war at last.fm i ever witnessed. how can ppl be so fuckin dumb. pls die.

    1. Ikna


      What band profile?

      I know there's a funny war on Christian death's lastfm page, because the band have deleted all images and locked them so no one can upload *lol*

  18. I might actually want to listen to the new SCREW album, judging from the previews. Damn

  19. i hate when a shop had a cd i want, but its sold out. thanks. used stuff sucks. at least remove it.

    1. xriko


      same here. but they just need to say it's sold out, i like to see some information of old cd on shop

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