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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    did you talk to your dr about your medication possibly, hypothetically, not working with your particular issues? like I can't tell what exactly is going on in your life because I don't see the full picture (sometimes depression is reactive to ongoing shit you have no control over; meds will take the edge off the negative emotional cycles anyway, though), but we've had that conversation over a month ago, and that's about enough time for most of meds to settle and give an accurate idea of how your brain is responding to them even by the most conservative textbook efficiency estimates. I'm also not sure what programming area you're working at, but I've heard enough lowkey brag from people who transferred from high-stress, on-demand bullshit like idk apps into incredibly boring banking and corporate software engineering roles tripling their income in the process while having regulated work hours and other additional corporate perks that they had no idea existed before slapped on top, so that might be worth considering.
  2. nekkichi

    can u imagine that Mana went from promoting castlevania to shilling $150 BR-Rws while the true talent quietly waited for her opportunity to hire goddess Kojima? we stan
  3. nekkichi

  4. your beloved flat titty goth grandma knew precisely what she was doing setting that kind of pricetag, and she knew perfectly well the release will be shared sooner than later with that cost (which might explain the switch to BR from DVD - fewer people have bluray set-ups capable of ripping content.) if you think that watching a hour of bored goths looking catatonic only to perform some really lazy choreo once in a while is worth the cost, go ahead and buy several. to me, coming in writing multiple elaborate shitposts with the intention to shame non-buyers lowkey comes off as pointless, if a bit naive.
  5. nekkichi

    they just had a pierrot revival gig that probably has them covered for like half of decade financially, at which point they'll release a pierrot album, book a nation-wide tour and either disband for real, or come back luna sea style. they probably all have pierrot peak money invested somewhere as well idk
  6. kizu next please

    1. suji


      ^ says the guy who posted that dumb donald duck pic in the Pentagon thread

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
    3. IGM_Oficial
    4. Show next comments  99 more
  7. nekkichi

    def a lesser evil compared to chugging out new music from this band, we stan a wise choice 💋
  8. nnnn we stan an ally




  9. nekkichi

    it's there to launder money and create art jobs and pretty much it; I've been at pretty fascinating lectures on modern art which kind of blew my mind away by how much an educated mind can attribute to a piece of abstact, making no sense garbage to me that (clearly) wasn't implied by its createussé in any capacity, and the explanation is henceforth presented as a part of arté objéts life cycle experience where whatever the viewer can see plays as much role as whatever the artist intentionally constructed, but let's just say, years later I question the authenticity of said detailed, phylosophical critical deconstruction as much as I do the author's skill and intent bc. see first line, because it doesn't take much to bullshit with a convincing distracted look once your initial art critique vocabulary and methodologies are academically trained.
  10. nekkichi

    totally agreed with u babez, climate change demands most radical measures x
  11. nekkichi

    and it works!!!! we must protect the str............... *looks at the population estimate prognosis for the next 80 years*
  12. $5 says this video is better than the incoming reboot:



  13. nekkichi

    they streamed 『she don't know how to dance』 by miayvi and ran with it
  14. coming for satsuki's rapping wig @ track 3 lmao Bialystok coupling tour next pleawse I genuinely like the covers but that's not even their own achievement so it doesn't count
  15. nekkichi

    ugh so are all from them associated with VK but somehow have ended up on the wrong road because this isn't VK and is not even good at what it aspires to be tbh crrrrriiiiiinnnnngggggggeeee @ korean catering right there in the title tbh
  16. I think if you don't like them at their most accessible you probably won't get into their sound at all: but I sneak this track in-between other less polished vrxn songs to get more oomph and more longevity out of their playlist on the other hand I can't get into kizu at all, they sound straight like mediocre major matenrou opera w/o their strong indie start tbh ps: delete the bolded
  17. ummm so like guys you know how the left are always triggered so easily so TODAY I ACTUALLY WENT OUTSIDE and there was this bird and you know like lol birds and twitter haha right like bird twitter twitter bird twitter SJWs you get what I'm talking about so it got me thinking and I ran back home and you know what time is it haha it's time to SHITPOST SHITPOST SHITPOST AGAIN SHITPOSTING TIME OH YEAH 

    1. anadentone


      gets triggered cuz my hot pocket is still too hot after 5 minutes

    2. YuyoDrift


      I know I don't know what your voice sounds like, but I imagine how you'd pronounce this entire paragraph, grammar errors and all, and it's all too funny.

    3. nekkichi


      thank u queen i am glad the satire translates well @YuyoDrift 

    4. Show next comments  99 more
  18. nekkichi

    third time is the charm!!!!!
  19. does anyone else remember this epic fight between akane and issei with the latter rage-quitting d.i.d afterwards




  20. nekkichi

    tbh it's not the case with either akitas or shiba dogs however people who side-eye cats for (this or that) while dogs have evolutionary developed their begging and owner manipulation mimic muscles is a kiii
  21. FROM CURRENT TO 『mode of no1current』



    1. IGM_Oficial


      As expected kek

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      From depression to flop

  22. nekkichi

    ok so that's tragic all around, but if you want to feel better, an average feral cats lifespan is like 3 or 4 years, those cats already likely have FIV, and if the area fauna hasn't done their deed by ten years, they'll probably live relatively happily for a while. the indoor/outdoor thing: cats don't need space to roam, and can keep themselves active enough in an apartment. the best thing you can if you plan on getting one is getting a small house/shed because they need privacy, a scratching post, and a bunch of pillows and maybe a small blanket for the winter if you live in a cold climate (otherwise they'll sneak your cashmere for the same purpose anyway.)
  23. nekkichi

  24. nekkichi

    they get bored indoors if they already know there's a bigger available territory to roam out there (an exploration instinct, or something?), but they absolutely don't need to know that; I cringe so much when suburbian cat owners let their cats out because of coyotes (idc about birds, but mice potentially transmit a shitload of parasites and like lung worms and other "nature is very kawaii" infectia like smh you're grown adults, keep your cats in. have you tried, like, not messing with his diet than? just stick to literally same food he does eat fine, they don't need variety unless you see the beast nibbling on house plants or something, give him a multivitamin if you see that happening. he's basically making a statement because he knows perfectly well you'll see the puke puddle, otherwise he'd just quietly retch somewhere behind the coach or something.
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