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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. praying they're dropping starwave and moving onto their own gig tbh
  2. nekkichi

    I'm in love with the visuals so far, everyone looks snatched and it's legit on advent children levels of detail except all realtime now; the dubbing so far is a choice
  3. Sephiroth voiced by Tyler Hoechlin


    are you happy now, SFW tumblr?


    #vomit_with_me #vomit_like_me

    1. platy


      Not impressed one bit, sounds like a HS drama student trying to be mysterious and evil. Alas, that's what subtitles are for. 

    2. nekkichi


      I'm not ordering this until they're confirming japanese voice-over for the western release tbh

    3. Arkady


      It's like having a good cake and smearing it over one's face instead of eating it. I mean you could do much worse, but what a waste (meaning TH stronger suit is not his voice acting XD)

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  4. nekkichi

    lmao it's actually even less, 修羅 is a Chronos b-side from 2014, but it's good; I totally forgot デッドマンズ・ホープ was on duel (I deleted it from DJ playlist p much with the rest of filler), it's like a heavy filler song idt you've missed much, but if you enjoy the knock-off gackt j-dorama ending style of duel jewel, it's one of those songs - imo the entire single was really bad.
  5. nekkichi

    the pure exalted mindfuck of that lineup is unreal tbh
  6. nekkichi

    nnn I feel like it did happen at some point. I have morbid interest in the way braindead ppl operate, and they generally provide enough clownery that simply passing it around ( = gossip) is a lot of fun by itself. it also only applies to the situations I can't really do anything to change my social circle, otherwise indeed - focusing on doing something better would be the very first reasonable option; sometimes fun trumps reason <3
  7. nekkichi

    you can also argue that cocaine (and other drug dependencies) are hereditary and have more control over someone's habits than said someone having control over their drug habits VS rape as an issue of power control, stimulated by idk unrestrained sadistic/sociopath urges; one doesn't necessarily harm anyone but the addict (and whoever involved in the production chain crime), another one is inherently violent and traumatising. we def. haven't evolved into a species of addicts or rapists, but we aren't remotely as spiritual or well-intending as we pretend to be as a whole. ummmm I have lots of questions why you're comparing rape to procreation in the first place; I can counter-act that by current porn culture (gay or straight) dominated by rape tropes (there's both the demand and it's abundantly met by the supply), but I can't think of anyone watching child birth videos for entertainment. the intent behind both acts is clearly different, even if mechanics are vaguely overlapping lmao. what if the involved parties are not worth mediating but the tea can be spillT? which is the reason why public sex offender registries exist?... yasss we stan a confession!!!
  8. nekkichi

    why would you talk about a genuinely bad person (it's literally the type you should cold-shoulder out of your life entirely) vs dropping random truth teas now and than so girlies can have some kiis ohmygod I think u've just figured out why people go on furaffinity all the damn time!!! adrenaline rush!!!!!
  9. can't wait for yoga gays to occupy the territory



  10. nekkichi

    oh right, is it out yet? she actually looked rly good on the promo pictures tbh
  11. nekkichi

    As author Yuval Harari argued in his book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, gossip is the foundation of our species’ survival. (#stream_psychopass) https://www.thecut.com/2017/03/your-brain-is-built-to-make-you-good-at-gossip.html I love when stressed out ppl temporarily lose control over whatever brain vaults they usually keep tightly locked out; that shit is typically the real thing, on the contrary a lil bit goss is fun and the tea is good iced and hot. which reminds me I didn't get involved with talking behind so and sos backs and regret all the drama I've missed out on creating bc. like had other priorities and shit, and the momentum has been long gone since.
  12. nekkichi

    it's a 2nd track on story too. I think so too judging by the price. I hope most of new songs are good, not the 2:3 good to filler songs ratio they've been doing before hiatus
  13. nekkichi

    I only recognize LIVE and Red Rose off those two; Days and Chronos are from story idk if yuki no asterisk was released on any album though. it's a p. meh song too. I hope that the new tracks are good though.
  14. nekkichi

    I'm p sure piscean trine darling has been married for good 20 years, he's the only deg member that doesn't seem affected by kaoru's morally decomposing influence. OT: wataru from 12012 is (allegedly) hiv+ what kind of a mean girls larp, we stan 👏👏👏
  15. nekkichi

    so it's basically a best-of mini lumped on top of a maxi-single/mini-album? semi-precious queens, icons of knowing their value, etc could have thrown a soan project cover or two in for the kiis, the akuta part had a p. similar sound to them anyway.
  16. we stan a double delayed disband I guess?....
  17. nekkichi

    miyavi is an accomplished western actreuse w. 2 roles (that wwII angelina movie and a recent kong movie role); Gackt does TV acting more or less on the reg; Hakuei is an occassional actreuse, cue wiki: her most recent acting role from 2004 - https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/キスとキズ I think Yuuki from Jinkaku Radio did some theater acting at some point before their hiatus, but I doubt she'll get casted anywhere else at this point.
  18. nekkichi

    this is someone having a good reaction to their rx:
  19. nekkichi

    we really were that close to the first official『ASMR』 Kawaii Pentagon Bassist Want You To Be His Mate For Life video coming out yet also so far 💔
  20. happy pride month, area heterosexuals!




    remember to fume extra hard every time you see my comments referencing your straightness; you are the real victims here xoxo

    1. nekkichi


      lads bein' lads, m8!

    2. saishuu


      go off sis!!

    3. Zeus


      that's fucked up and i pray these fools are caught soon and i'm not the praying type

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  21. nekkichi

    that's its generic name, and those are some brutal side-effects tbh (zoloft does the "brain zap" thing if you're dropping it without easing out/replacing it with something else, but it happens months or like years into being on it, not during the early adjustment stage - that's absolutely not normal), which is also an example of how powerful this stuff is in a negative way when for some reason your brain chemistry doesn't agree with what the pills are producing. I hope you found a better alternative for it, there're newer (and for some people way better) alternatives too. there's no real benefit in sticking to something that makes you feel awful while you still have options - however your dr might not be too inclined to offer them for like their own personal reasons, which was my point. it's not immediately obvious that sometimes you will be better off just talking to a dr that takes your complaints more seriously, given the amount of various biases that potentially contribute to their assessment.
  22. nekkichi

    no that's bs and you should bring this stuff up, there should be noticeable and very real improvement coming from ur medication regimen within the first days, otherwise it likely won't work longterm either; you are expected to wait out several weeks, but it's not typically what happens irl either. I would quietly start looking for another dr and I've heard personal anecdotes of bad citalopram reactions (I've never been on it myself tho so idk), but this isn't a normal or even acceptable response to ADs if you're thinking about dropping them altogether I can honestly tell I loved zoloft while it worked for me and this was a shared sentiment in the depression thread I've frequented on elsewhere, but you should be aware that dropping a dr if you don't get any real and tangible improvement is a normal part of the process and you might go through it several times ltr, all depends on how well your condition responds to med treatment
  23. nekkichi

    what are you taking?.. you def shouldn't want to quit and your dr is being a dumb bitch if they're not adjusting what you're taking; if meds make you actively feel worse, there's something strongly incompatible with your diagnosis going on
  24. nekkichi

    they're already quite known lol streaming is the worst from environment standpoint bc. data-storage and infrastructure run 24/7 and not just when Becky wants to stream her katy perry classics, and there's history of services changing ownership and nuking their content libraries in what is later excused as a technical issue ( = myspace, tumblr probs next) because maintaining legacy low-usage libraries also costs money oh and also this part - I actually think Japanese market would rather invent a new physical format that will be pushed by the major labels (they already have m-card no one else is using) than lose physical media sale numbers and sales mark-ups to streaming if sony forced gamers to install 40+ gigs of bluray media before launching tha games and kept a mandatory disk-in game launch on ps4, they'll do it with music CDs once retail sales dive enough, and honestly as long as it's done sensibly I'm hft (make walkmans gr8 again etc)
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