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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    indie scene LEGENDS coming in single-handedly saving the art of artkei, literally WHO ELSE
  2. nekkichi

    rest in power kangz x
  3. nekkichi

    please provide us w video documentary of the removal ❤️
  4. nekkichi

    that homeless ruki cosplayer look is nagl & they all look like they run to community gym showers and library washrooms for their hygiene fix song is not bad but like...random as hell??? did issei give up on trying to come up with anything remotely coherent or what


    anyone else highkey perched for madame x like no shame

  6. nekkichi

    may Allah tend to her brain worm infestation first x
  7. I swear to god their looks are created using a bot mixing a random historic period, a visual kei/mainstream fashion trend, and an unrelated word or two on a formula; you can legit sum them up as: トゥーン・ワールド: 1976 Playboy Mansion Yakuza Birthday Rave Comedown 人喰テディベア: 2009 Penicillin Cosplayers Looking Edgy At An Animecon ポップコーンモンスター: 1992 Very Kawaii David Lynch Psychopath Clown Extravaganza ボクラノウタ: 2006 High School Halloween Thrift Store White Room Carnival Jesus Phobia: 1950 Masonic Initiation Meets A Failed Versailles Skit WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL: 2005 Nu-Metal Visual Kei Scene Embarrassment 反抗声明: 1999 VK Band Graduating On A JPop Label Potpourri カルチャーショック: 2012 Tumblr Demiboy Moodboard Realness This Thing: 1984 Down Syndrome Awareness Campaign Retro-Couture (their next single: 4000 BC Indigo Child Caveman Morigirl Homage)
  8. nekkichi

    I'm glad she can write x
  9. we stan a quick flopped album recovery 👏 👏 👏 I need retsu to pull out the gazette and announce a 3 type single for the same day x
  10. nekkichi

    I get that all of you made the right choice and deleted the electronic cheodara intro from your playlists, but let's not pretend those edm tracks are worse than the average vk BGM fare 愛憎につき… video had two actors + they didn't look like clowns so their costume budget evidently got upgraded??
  11. oh god fuck starwave seriously this doesn't sound half bad, but it would be a better fit on their album instead of one of the unlistenable heavy tracks, and it needs proper mastering I'm kind of surprised that bum-ass kiwi label gave them PV money for a live-limited sang though (unless they are already planning a PV DVD and desperately need single-quality tracks for it.)
  12. nekkichi

    this sounds like something that y0hio generation of artistés would've put out if they were old enough to witness tokyo hotel at their peak x
  13. nekkichi

    so which one is madeth gray'll and which one is beyonce
  14. nekkichi

    they have a free desktop app. idk if cure has any location-specific restrictions on the magazines themselves tho.
  15. nekkichi

    shitty mixing aside, these singles so far sound better than their averaged early discog & I don't think I really can hear Chaos missing in there x I hope they get better production budget and re-release them ltr tho.
  16. +khrhysth+ drummer is so hot omFGGGGGGG

  17. nekkichi

    ugh sacred sounds like an alice9/sadie hybrid and I'd hate if their japanese gya end up stanning this meaning they'll abuse the formula till their end, クラクラ sounds like everything I wanted from them style-wise thooooo I'm so torn tbh
  18. nekkichi

    i hope it lives up to its title tbh
  19. nekkichi

    hope this helps x

    tag a local x

    1. saishuu


      @The Moon exposed

    2. Gesu


      @Gesu if she was a 26-year-old man who liked women

  21. nekkichi

    the bearz legit taste better if you twist off their heads first I can't explain it but it's true!!
  22. I find it fascinating that girugamesh (which is their closest comparison popularity/scene comeup wise) had a full good major album and a bunch of decent singles/EPs or something like that before going down the drain, those hussiez haven't been bothered enough to repeat same formula at least to get that major gig bookedT and went straight for the one ok rock imitation except with vaguely visual outfits I'm shook I can't wait to see all of this crash and burn tbh
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