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Status Updates posted by nekkichi

  1. happy birthday Ricchu-kun, I hope it's blessed with lots of quality D.

    1. Licio123


      hahahah parabéns ricchu!

    2. ricchubunny


      Obrigado Liciooo :D

    3. nekkichi


      it's that d precisely ricchu, hope it's all around perfect

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  2. happy birthday, cat! ~

    1. CAT5


      Thank you kindly, Ms. nekkichi! : )

  3. have you noticed how they always run out of arguments when confronted with logic, lol

    1. Aferni


      EVERY RADICAL FEMINIST EVER <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    2. Senedjem


      Then you leave frustrated and they proclaim themselves the victor to their bs clique

    3. nekkichi


      cute stuff

  4. Home » In The Unsaved World » Satans Internet Nasties » Queen of Vagina Majela ZeZe Diamond Is a Black Cyber-Threat

    1. nekkichi


      lol this sounds like what CL management were ripping off when they were looking for white rapping girls examples

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
    3. nekkichi


      itchy areola of the unsaved australian continent

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  5. I can not silence u Aferni but I can adblock that messy signature

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      nice suggestion, thanks!

    2. Biopanda


      There are a few users whose avatars/sigs I've got blocked. Adblock is the best <3

    3. Licio123


      nice suggestion, thanks! [2]

  6. I leeched all gazette discog bc you know feels and such, and when I got to FADELESS b-sides my right ear started bleeding, can you imagine????? (my ear is fucked since a bad otitis case in school 84 yrs ago but this didn’t happen with arche!!! (you can use this as an argument in stan wars btw))

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Well, theres one thing we agree on...

    2. kyoselflove
  7. I'm not a wandering stan, I am a woman of choice!! My cryptic status updates is protection for the gorgeousness of my faves.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      archaa-a-a-aa archa-a-a-aaa

    2. nekkichi


      behind the kaya, behind the kaya

  8. I'm p. sure Gossip-ゴシップ will disband before end of year, but their 2nd single hits 2004 gazette fangirl right in the feels tbh (& I hated that eccentric agent indiefag band which did the same copyband thing, except way too directly)

    1. nekkichi


      idk who's ghostwriting those choruses, but it's legit better than current gazette anyway.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is the last track supposed to be Nightmare? It doesn't sound very gazette to me

    3. nekkichi


      nah it's them

      they steal quite a lot from early baroque/cali gari as well, but not in that track
    4. Show next comments  45 more
  9. I'm so proud for Wicked Teletubby interviewing Toshiya in Japan https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BewUY_cCAAAVboF.jpg:large

    1. Flash-Fab-Supernova



    2. Tetora


      That guy couldnt look any more metal.

    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      wow! one of our own!

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  10. idk if scruffy eastern europeans r your thing, but I assume you'll enjoy placebo bonus videos when they're out

    1. Furik


      im fappin so it must be good

  11. if u promise putin's mangina as a sacrificial offering to Hitler, before you know it, a KI$AK¥ project vs. KREVA diss mini-album recording commences to celebrate fall season in okinawa #trufax #had_sencha

  12. INTERESTING: I just linked a MH status update on my twitter and clicking that suddenly opened a shit-ton of pop-ups and some female posing w. her boobs all over the screen. (chrome on mac os) clicking it again did not bring that up. wtf?

    1. nekkichi


      @bonsaijodelfisch you have no idea how scary accurate that sounds

    2. Zeus


      i believe i fixed it this time. the problem doesn't always occur so it's difficult to tell for sure, but i'm 99% positive that it's gone. if you see it again let me know what website it redirects you to.

    3. nekkichi
    4. Show next comments  45 more
  13. it is a good day when u wake up to DAD jerking off @ your music itunes cover folder <3

    1. nekkichi


      awwww it's like #ADORABLE when they switch from obsessing over m'ley sairus

    2. Shmilly
    3. beni


      Just another normal morning~

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  14. it's time, my nigga. I've been keeping shit calm, but I do not need to see your letters forming words, morphing into absolute_garbage.rar. bless you, ignore option. Finnazi next.

    1. CAT5


      lol, I don't blame you.

  15. let's dedicate a moment to praise femme fatale's best VK album/mini-albums of 2014 for ~inspiring~ lycaon to record a best visual album of 2015 and release it early in the year killing everyone else 11 months in advance

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      :. hum... let's go to ... LoL ! .:

    2. nekkichi


      i love you too ricchu-boo (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)

    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      lighting my kaya votives as we speak.

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  16. lol, had my first ~visual kei~ themed dream in almost ten years, this time it was kaya going through death-metal era with femme fatale's next album, this was adorable <3

    1. emmny


      surprise! kaya does guest vocals on the new nocturnal bloodlust single!!

    2. nekkichi


      LMAO is this real???? I can not stand nokubura, but Save Them, QUEEN

    3. emmny


      lolz no kaya would ruin their career and send cockturnal fucklust into indiefag bandomen hell! stop this collab at all costs

  17. mentioning single key person from this spring's chain of shitty events brings formalin taste to the back of my mouth, and my hairdresser girl is leaving for japan. but yiiiisssss Leita growls vocals!!!!!!!

    1. nekkichi


      having legit. worst predictions about dogma atm, btw.

    2. CAT5


      How come? Idk, I'm feeling pretty good about it atm, although...I can't really explain why either.

  18. Myöhäistä on perzettä räpissellä, kun on paska puksuloissa #you_learn_something_new_everyday

    1. nekkichi


      И?СЕРТЕД. but seriously I just found this twitter posting karelian proverbs w. russian translations — 90 % depressivest read of the week, 10 % pure gold.

  19. ngl my meat pizza tasted better before i went into ambergris thread

    1. CAT5


      One instance where an actual flame war would have been preferable, jfc

  20. OH, quality @piisu flashback, btw

    back when gackt was relevant w/o upselling bodypillows
    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      How many video game things did he do? iirc "Redemption" was used for Advent Children

    2. nekkichi


      actually quite a lot - Genesis in Final Fantasy VII spin-offs characters (crisis core and Dirge of Cerberus), + Metal Giiiir Soridu 2 japanese CM + random voice acting if i recall correctly. it's mostly sony published collabs during his crown records area.

    1. beni


      Oh my gosh, I didn't even know about any of that. D: Still upset anyway about the disband. ><

    2. nekkichi


      I'm not even upset anymore, lol. all of my fav. deathgaze songs (namely sinner) are rip-offs, and I don't even like the originals lmao. gj at stylizing someone else's ideas, though.

    3. beni


      I never even realised or noticed. D: Still, it's sad when a band does disband, but how naughty! I'm hoping we do see them again though, to be honest. Just.. don't do any of that silly stuff again. xD

  21. omg the kamijo MH header is magnificent no less <3 blinded by his radiating glam

    1. sai


      thank you ;w; It's one of the favourites I've made so far so I'm glad you like it!!

  22. opened 4chan and realized I feel 10 years old for all of this, send help D: I literally feel this and twitter cover my internet p. much entirely atm

    1. beni


      omg 4chan. XD Finding out a friend of mine is a mod on the board of 4chan was one the scariest things I've heard, lol.

    2. nekkichi


      i know this feeling, lol!!!!!!!!!!

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