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nekkichi last won the day on January 17 2022

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About nekkichi

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  1. now that coronavirus is being slowly debated as another media pharma plant (a low-contagious virus that doesn't have the range shit on swine flu - which is now is seen as another seasonal flu pandemic) it's time to feel bad for vk stans who had to cancel on their spring live plans, while the rest of the world won't cancel on the str8lympics and it's really sad tbh

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Some relief on my end since I was originally debating if I wanted to go to japan during spring or fall and then decided to wait 

    2. nekkichi


      there're...like... people praising the outbreak bc typical touristy places are barely filled rn so yeah... basically your worst fear would be catching a cancelled gig, not the trendy new flu

    3. Arkady


      Damn Low-expectations Pharma enginering a flu virus to kill the 2,2% of population more lucrative to them!!1!


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