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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. Now this looks like some kind of damage control, and probably the best decision he could've made imho. If the blogs are true, then he probably wasn't aware that the girl was underage (fake ids or not), and when he saw the shit was about to hit the fan, he went for spilling the beans upfront. Maybe there were dick pics or words that sounded like he was enticing minors and such. Going to the police not only ensures he is not avoiding responsibility, but shows he is willing to make himself available for questioning and follow up. it goes a long way on making the authorities trusting your story

  2. 2 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    Like I said, it's not about being desperate, it's about an animal insticnt few people seem to be able to ignore.


    Yes, it is about being desperate and/or just plain stupid. There's no excuse. In 2017, you cannot use "few people are able to ignore animal instinct" as an argument. I don't know where you live,  but here there's a name for people who can't control their ding-dongs, and it's not a pretty one


    He's probably just stupid, tho. Looks like the classic case of someone thinking it won't happen to him, until it does

  3. daaamn people, jeez...


    the law is the law, wether people think its fair or not. If it was actually an serious issue that mattered, we could argue regarding its legitimacy, but this is about vk bois banging legally underaged people. Is Rio so desperate that he HAD to bang that girl? like, is japan lacking adult girls he could meet and go on dates and such, that he HAD to do it with her? There's no excuse. If you are in the scene and have a brain, ask for some ids. or accept that you are exposing yourself to some pretty fucked up situation

  4. The scene is KNOWN for having too many underage fans;

    The fans are KNOWN for being crazy and doing creepy shit for their favorite musicians;

    Japanese enforcers are KNOWN for taking this seriously;

    There has been SEVERAL cases of colleages being fucked by this;

    There is SEVERE consequences for the careers of those who are arrested;


    When you see people making the same mistake for the 14098742109812th time, it stops being something to argue over, the stupidity on that level speaks for itself. If you really wanna bang that suspiciously young-looking girl that bad, ask for some ids and take pictures of it, for god's sake



  5. On 06/04/2017 at 5:38 PM, VkBrutaliaN said:


    haven't listened to my copy yet but from what i know its "just" the 2 songs they already posted on their yt channel - still pretty nice owning an original copy though! ;D


    yeah, I think you are right! even so, It's good to have a proper quality rip, so if it's not much of a hassle for you, would love to request a rip!

  6. 22 minutes ago, tetsu_sama69 said:

    Hell, it could be two dudes banging pots together and screaming with shitty make-up/outfits and it could be defined as visual kei just based on that.


    I may be mistaken, but I think there's already a band that matches that description, it's called Deviloof


    jokes aside, the big picture of vk bands generally follows western trends, and we are experiencing something like the end of djent era, right? whatever comes after that would be a safe bet

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