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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. 17 minutes ago, Duwang said:


    The song is about the short story. 


    yeah, I want to check the lyrics to see how they portrayed it. The references on the PV are kinda thrown out here and there. The Kiddie also have one song called Omelas. Would be interesting to compare both interpretations

  2. Another usual Jiluka song: great instrumentals, boring, uninspired chorus. Interested in why they chose to name the song Omelas, tho. It's one of my favorite short stories ever, looking forward for the lyrics

  3. Makes sense. Schoolboy's Q second album, I think, was removed from spotify with no explanation. At the time I didn't give much thought to it, but looking from the consumer viewpoint, that's pretty fucked up. I am not entitled to anything when I subscribe to their service, I'll have to listen to what they want to make available... I admit I'm becoming lazier and lazier, basically all my non japanese music is listened through spotify too, and yeah, we should be aware of that, indeed. Lucky for us, torrents are always there to save the day, I guess. I still buy physical copies of releases I like, but I also think that's a fading trend, pretty soon releasing physical copies of albums will be limited to collection editions and etc. abide to the technology revolution, I guess.


    About the japanese industry, I think it's a matter of time. Japanese consumer base is the weirdest in the world. They are absolutely open to some technologic innovations, but extremely conservative to some others. They will resist while they can, but will succumb eventually, I think. And that is kind of positive for us in the west, more music will be available to us, when they finally decide to change.



  4. For an (apparently) untrained singer, I think Tsuzuku can hold his own most of the times. Meji songs do plow through Fry/Growl/Pig Squeal in a not so usual manner, and that is definitely not an easy thing to do people may take for granted.


    On the list of people that suck, the dude of Lycaon, the one from Azero (who is the worst in the whole world), that one from LIEVRE CLAY, u from KLACK, the one from the:0 and NEOPHILIA's are some of the ones on my mind.


    And anyone who says Sakurai is bad should get their hearing checked. That guy is a monster, and not liking one's tone does not equal to one having bad skills

  5. On 2017.04.23, NIA released a live DVD with footage from their last oneman at TSUTAYA O-WEST on 2016.12.20.


    I couldn't find more information on the tracklist or even price/stores, Only the members mentioning it on twitter, so If you have more on this, please share.



    More previews:







  6. New band L.O.V.E. (stands for Lotus On the Venom of Ebony) has formed and first single released on 2017.03.29 in 3 types.






    vo. ロア健治

    gt. 叶真

    ba. 達也


    Limited Edition:



    1.Philosophia MV


    Type A:


    2.Revenant song
    3.死の海(Lotus Mix)


    Type B:


    2.Ugly rumor
    3.2 for LOVELESS




    official website: http://love-love-love.jp


    Sounds REALLY good! So glad to see Kenji back in action, that guy is a beast!

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