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Posts posted by chemicalpictures

  1. Thanks for this list, @Original Saku, I'll definitely check out No.6! Sounds cool, and the short lenght helps a lot, lol!


    I'm already familiar with Death Note and Monster from that list, both are great, specially Monster! While I do think it kinda overstay its welcome with that kid that never gets caught, it is one hell of a story!


    One of my top 3 stories that I would LOVE to see more similar, but don't think will ever find one is Eden: It's an Endless World. You simply can't match the world, the mythos and the confusing as shit plotline it have, a MUST for anyone who likes militar/dystopian/cyberpunk stories.

  2. Started Freaks and Geeks on netflix, always heard good things about it but never stopped to check it out. Boy, have I been missing. What a freaking good show! hits me right on the 80's high school afternoon movies feels. GREAT cast, lots of funny moments and development. Seriously, how the fuck a show like this would get cancelled with only one season?

  3. I'm not really used to watch animes, but was intrigued with Terror on Resonance, on netflix, and I quite liked it. The development of the characters was interesting (Lisa could have been better explored, but I understand her role as a plot device to forge a contrast with the main characters. Five role wasn't amazing either), with some interesting messages and a dialogues. Nice script overwall, and AMAZING OST!


    Any recommendations of other similar anime, following this more realistic vein?

  4. 4 hours ago, hiroki said:

    i've literally just been talking to @echo about londboy this entire past week before this happened. i feel so terrible.


    pretty sure 90% of MH will be rushing to join the queue that's chalking this up to the rio affair. for what it's worth i'm skeptical about that. anyone who's actually following the band would have noticed that just as everyone thought they were about to sign to BPR last year (which didn't happen), they downgraded their website, releases slowed down, and generally activities became suspiciously spotty for a band their size.


    Do you know if their  album managed to have decent sales? At least to me, it was such a huge letdown that I'm afraid it may have affected their popularity in some ways. This downgrade was prior or after their album?


    In any way, it's a shame. Open your Heart and Iris were some damn good singles.

  5. 22 hours ago, yakihiko said:


    Maybe when you say they sound more like BORN is due to Ryoga's voice, probably? Because I don't think they are similar to BORN in their music way, Kouryu is totally different than Ray or K when playing guitar, same for Tetuya and TOMO. RAZOR makes use of the djent think, which never were a BORN related.

    I love BORN and MBHI, but I wish they could sound like MBHI but this is not possible, Ryoga and Tenten are totally different vocalists. Maybe we should let RAZOR being RAZOR.


    As for the previews, it will take a bit of time to grow on me. Hope that it end up being good like their first two releases.


    I actually like Ryoga, he can do some serious cool stuff with his voice (ANOTHER is a beast of a song that he nails so hard, for example) What I meant was more about the style of composition in some bits of their songs. Taking LIQUID VAIN for example, the chorus is completely born-ish. that's when I think they lack the most, and also believe it's where probably there's more imput of the other members besides Kouryu. Then listen to the first/main verse and riffs. NOW THAT'S Kouryu as fuck. This longer preview sounds excellent, besides the HORRIBLE chorus that drags the song down so hard. Ryoga screams are really on point, the instrumentals are all packing some punch (besides the flat equalization someone mentioned before), but that chorus is a cold shower

  6. Been focusing on FPS recently. lots of CS:GO and PUBG mainly, but will fix me some Overwatch as soon as Doomfist leaves PTR, he sounds fun!


    Lots of Dead Cells aswell, one of the best roguelikes around, definitely a must pick. Doesn't even look like it's still in EA.


    Started Always Sometimes Monsters and looks like a hell of a slice of life experience, so far.

  7. Maaaaan, I try so hard to like their stuff, on paper is everything I would want in a band.... I don't know if it's the average sound engineering with overamped violins that waters down every other instrument, the anticlimatic chorus or the composition itself, something simply just not CLICK. a shame

  8. On 28/04/2017 at 4:41 AM, jaymee said:

    Generally I think much like Janne Da Arc, PIERROT was better at bridging the visual and non-visual fandom during their heyday/before mainstream visual kei completely "died". 


    Yeah, I think there's also something to be said about frontman magnetism, something both Yasu and Kirito have (Yasu even more, I think). They are both well known personalities that stand out among mainstream, I've heard stories of their success with older woman an such. Maybe because Dir en Grey took the opposite path, going more metal over the years, there was never a chance for them to stabilish themselves with the regular listener (I don't even think they'd want that, tho.)


    Would really like to see PIERROT releasing something with this reunion, neither Angelo or LM.C recent stuff appeals to me.

  9. MONOEYES 2nd album 'Dim the Lights' will be released on 2017.07.05, ¥2,592.




    01. Leaving Without Us
    02. Free Throw
    03. Roxette
    04. Two Little Fishes
    05. Reasons
    06. Borders & Walls
    07. Get Up
    08. ボストーク
    09. Parking Lot
    10. Carry Your Torch
    11. 3, 2, 1 Go


  10. 4 hours ago, fitear1590 said:

    Makes me wonder about Chobi and Satoshi though. Didn't they leave DIV (which ultimately resulted in total disbandment), because of 'creative differences' over the EDR Tokyo-direction the band's sound was going? And now, ACME is closer in style to earlier DIV.


    I don't think that was ever confirmed tho, It was most speculation by fans, afaik


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