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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. The Reverend

    I'm not sure I've ever been to a (non-VK) show that cared about taking pictures/video as long as you weren't bringing in professional equipment. Especially since everyone's phone is their camera now... I imagine it'd be really hard to enforce rules like that.
  2. The Reverend

    Was driving around listening to Cassis getting excited for Gazette's NYC show in a couple weekends.... thought I'd record some thoughts. Let me know what you think of this (old) Gazette single! (shoutout to Jrocknyc shoutboxer Ken who made a few videos like this about old school Nagoya Kei that were fun... I couldn't find any of them anymore though.)
  3. The Reverend

    Fun vid! Shooting in what looks like a dirty club bathroom while one of the members drinks a beer definitely gives this an authentic metal swagger, haha.
  4. The Reverend

    Pretty cool setlist for things they might actually play! Got me excited for NYC in a couple weeks. (In my fantasies they play Linda~candydive pinky heaven & Shadow VI II I..... but I'm a realist.)
  5. I was in a Madeth Gray'll mood last night (it happens often enough) and it was fun listening to them in this story's order and following along with the lyrics. Thanks for all these hyura! Awesome work.
  6. The Reverend

    Showing us something purpose-written to be read here is cheating! Haha. Here's an honest sample of mine from a sticky note I put on something on my desk at work last week.... I'll leave it up to your imagination what "DMF From 2046" is (though the reality is as boring as it gets)
  7. The Reverend

    It makes me sound old but I liked the Gallo's set way more than the others mostly because the dudes on stage were the ones making all the noise. Especially in Avelcain's case, all the pre-recorded vocals didn't do much more than highlight how not good a live vocalist Karma is. ETA: Also, I legit thought Karma was wearing a bolo tie until like five minutes in. Haha.
  8. The Reverend

    Hahaha, I've made crappy garageband demos in my bedroom that I've saved on two different hard drives.... I think this makes me exactly twice as prolific as Rare.
  9. The Reverend

    Did you like this?? Been tempted to pick it up cause their line-up looks so good.... but 2000 yen for two songs by a band I've never heard is kinda steep.
  10. The Reverend

    I see that in June on a tour with Scapegoat (and at other times in the past) they're listed as 大日本黒鶏主義者聯盟(ギャロ)..... which is a session band with the same members? That plays Gallo songs? Can someone who knows the scoop enlighten me on what this is?
  11. Kudos to whoever perfectly captured Kamijo's epaulets with just two squiggles.

  12. The Reverend

    I liked some stuff in March! (and I'm stealing your format jigsworth) The Body/Full of Hell - One Day You Will Ache Like I Ache The Body are my fave doom band going right now. They actually released this collab-album and a new one on their own in consecutive weeks in March (theirs being titled No One Deserves Happiness.... these titles alone should get you in the proper mood for their tunes.) No one pummels you over the head with utter bleakness like The Body... but they also have a knack for inserting just enough that's pretty/catchy to keep you coming back for more. The video for Fleshworks is a short, experimental tune that highlights both the chances these bands took in making this album and what typifies their sound. Avelcain - Yomigaeri I'm a fairly loyal Avelcain fan and I even think that their last year or so of releases (moon, beni, that minialbum) are pretty meh. The b-sides to Yomigaeri are way better than the Moon b-sides however. I don't think Wana can decide what kind of song it is, but I like it all the more for its scatter-brainedness. Unfortunately this may be the last Avelcain release that isn't some leftovers put out their for a final cash grab. Young Thug - Slime Season 3 The third Slime Season mixtape isn't demonstrably different than the Young Thug sound you're used to.... but more of his fresh take on hip hop still hasn't gotten old. If you're a fan of well thought out, storytelling hip hop lovingly crafted over months or years than Young Thug definitely isn't for you. Each line he spits is definitely about a different subject than the one before it, his metaphors only make sense about 40% of the time, and his non-sequitur not-even-word yelps and other ad-libs are maybe the best part. Play this while driving in your car and give in to the ridiculous fun.
  13. No matter who the vocalist is.... these guys definitely need to have their reunion show during the few days I'll be in Japan in June *cut to the utter dissappointment in 23 days when their announcement is 'y'know... we never released a career-spanning, money-grabbing box-set best-of... think we'll do that now'*
  14. The Reverend

    That whole part I set-list is pretty delicious.
  15. Couldn't have said it better. It's like Kagerou were always able to write 2 or 3 great songs per release no matter the length of the CD... which meant incredible maxi-singles near the beginning of their career and generally lackluster albums.
  16. The Reverend

    I like the vocalist's hair much better now.
  17. Glad you guys finally realized The Gallo are awesome ;)

    1. Owl


      Kinda strange, weren't they amazing from the begining?

      Considering their releases have became really available for a couple of years already...

    2. Silverhawk33


      Finally checking out their older stuff and I'm glad I have, brilliant band so far :)

  18. Cool, I like these guys. But can I get like a maxi-single? Mini-album?... they've been around for like five years right? And after this will have a total of four one-track, live-limited singles to their name? Talk about a part-time gig.
  19. The Reverend

  20. The Reverend

    At first glance I just thought the bag had a picture of, y'know, some chips on it.... Of course not. It's yoshiki wailing on his drums dramatically (surely moments from passing out).
  21. Happy birthday pinkmakona! Thanks for always spreading the girl-kei love!

    1. nick


      Happy birthday, pinkmakonyan~

    2. pinkmakona


      Lol! Glad someone REALLY likes it! Thanks for the birthday messages, it's nice to not be at work (for once) today.

  22. The Reverend

    The reports of art-kei's death are greatly exaggerated. Hopefully it's not just a flash in the pan and their mini coming out next week is good as well.
  23. The Reverend

    I kind of don't even want to open it.
  24. The Reverend

    My shitty high school band was called Hang Up. The name was definitely the least bad part.... Ha, very randomly; I think you'd like the (very stupid) stripes on my car: In this case '117' being the mighty amount of horsepower.
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