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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. The Reverend

    Welcome! I've been really into The Gallo lately... and of course I have ears and eyes so I loved Malice Mizer. We'll get along just fine!
  2. The Reverend

    Cruisin' around and talking about Emmuree's new single, Red. I said the wrong track was called 'red', but the text on screen is correct haha. Let me know what ya'll think now that you've had a chance to listen! Shoutout to @r... for spreading the Emmuree love.
  3. Voted!


    (lets get this over with)

  4. How was Shonen Knife??

    1. robkun


      Aww dude, it was sick. Aside from the drunks and pushy asshats, it was a fun show. Bobby Steele was one of the openers, and he was great. Even bought a tour shirt and a limited edition SK vinyl for my sister. Good stuff!

  5. Some good drone/ambient I discovered today (and there didn't really seem to be a thread that fit better into): https://glowingwindowrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/throw-me-in-the-susquehanna Check it out if you're in the mood for some haunting guitar-based ambient tunes. ("Throw Me in the Susquehanna" is an awesome title too, shouts to my PA family)
  6. ^ Ooh nice stack of Merry Go Round in there.
  7. The Reverend

    Darn I started my smear campaign too late!! Hehe, congrats @plastic_rainbow!
  8. The Reverend

    Same here (to all of that actually). Kuroi-ondori is indeed a great resource.... I hit up the lyrics section a lot because The Gallo's lyrics can definitely be a bit different than standard VK fare. (Speaking of their lyrics... I noticed Jojo apparently says 'bippity boppity boo' in Tokyo Cinderella which is hilarious, but try as I might I don't actually hear him say that even when I'm reading along.)
  9. The Reverend

    I mean obviously @plastic_rainbow's costume is awesome and much better than my inexpertly carved pumpkin. But! Are you prepared to tell your family that you voted for death over the man who wrote and performed hits like this: ????
  10. Speaking of New Orleans sludgy metal shit: Crowbar and Goatwhore just announced a show near me in December! So I've been spinning some of their older stuff this week.
  11. The Reverend

    Hey The Gallo is on Spotify now! (well Diavolo and some weird collection are) Just in case anyone else is a huge nerd and thinks to themselves "I'll listen to them on Spotify instead of my mp3s so the band gets an extra .00001 dollars"
  12. The Reverend

    Hehe, and I thought Kuro calling him 'arrogant' was so funny.... we know they like to pick on each other! I'm sure planning/logistics/running around to make things right was a lot of hard work @Suuuand crew, thanks! It was a hell of a show... and a friend who I dragged along who isn't into VK at all texted me Monday to say she was bumping Seirios on her commute. (Hopefully other people there who didn't know the band will check them out further because you and RiR have made it a priority to have their tunes available online overseas!)
  13. The Reverend

    Ah why didn't they romanize this Andalucía!?! Southern-Spain represent!
  14. The Reverend

    So who all went to see RiR at AnimeUSA Saturday? What did you guys think?? Some highlights for me: - Pro stage/sound. I'd never been to a show at an anime convention and was worried they'd end up playing under fluorescent lights without proper mixing.... thankfully not the case. (the giant screens on either side of the stage playing videos/the stage definitely added legitimacy) - The crowd flipping the eff out when RiR played a cover of 残酷な天使のテーゼ / Cruel Angel's Thesis from Evangelion (fun that the boys gave a nod to the crowd they were playing in front of with an anime theme) - Kuro's introduction of the rest of the band (esp: "quiet... fuck you!" and "very very very very very arrogant guitarist Taji") - The excitement of the crowd and of the band. I think RiR won over some folks who didn't know them but came anyway. Based on his facial expressions I think this may have been the best day of the drummer's life haha. - A VK band I like playing so close to home! (I guess this one is just from my POV, haha) I saw four people wandering around with V-Star shirts on.... Was our friend @Suuuthe one rocking sunglasses in the club/taking the band/crowd photo at the end??
  15. The Reverend

    I like the new album but agree it's just more of the same Mono. It's like they've mastered their specific form of art and rather than do something different just double down on it with each album. I can imagine someone new to Mono really loving this album.... but I don't find it particularly necessary even if I'd say it's good. Great turn of phrase there Zeus. Well-crafted review.
  16. The Reverend

    Digging the sound and look! (though is half this dude's choruses at this point him repeating the name of the song??)
  17. The Reverend

    Just adding my seasonal bump of this thread: Bought some more stuff from Danao. A pleasure to deal with as always.
  18. The Reverend

    [2] Awesome thread @chemicalpictures!! I toyed with the idea of doing something like this, but could only think of four harmonica-kei songs (which have all been listed already). It's odd that the center section of the venn-diagram of "visual kei" and "harmonica" is all songs I love. More bands need to do this!
  19. The Reverend

    I looooove that blue jewel case the Sioux CD comes in.
  20. The Reverend

    Hey guys, if anyone else hasn't figured out a place to stay during Anime USA yet (now that the hosting hotel is booked).... Send me a message if there's any interest of splitting an AirBnB spot (or wherever) with myself and a friend of mine who I'm dragging to the RiR show. Something like that could probably be less expensive than a hotel if we end up with 3 or 4 (or more) people splitting a spot. Anyway, thought I'd put it out there if anyone was on the fence about going at all because they didn't want to shell out for a room for themselves, or just hadn't found a place yet and might want to combine forces. (And I think @Suuu will be cool with this slight hijack of the thread... but if not let me know and I'll put this elsewhere!)
  21. The Reverend

    Anyone else want to share what they were bumpin' on Spotify in September? A little light on VK because there isn't a whole lot on Spotify, but pretty representative of what I was into last month.
  22. Reviewing Holyclock's newest release, Shinshou Aquarium.
  23. I checked out Gloam last year after seeing a mention of them somewhere (Vice maybe?) and indeed Hex of Nine Heads is awesome. Heading to caligari's bandcamp now to see if there are some other gems! Good lookin' out.
  24. The Reverend

    Great news! Their releases have been solid so far. Thanks for sharing @hiroki
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