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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. The Reverend

    Bought some more stuff, just as good an experience. Thanks again Danao!
  2. The Reverend

    *old guy coming through* (Blasphemy?) I liked Lufia II more than Chrono Trigger on SNES. I mean, Chrono Trigger is great of course... but Lufia is a ton of fun and I felt like the people who knew about it/loved it were part of an exclusive club whereas everybody was playing CT.
  3. The Reverend

    Haha, worked like a charm thanks. See you all at the show!
  4. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zv0kb235hczhm0f/kraddeadbouquet.jpg?dl=1 Krad Dead Bouquet lyrics page ETA: Here's a cell phone pic that might be clearer... https://www.dropbox.com/s/ysowcosy8pkg2s3/kraddeadbouquetcellphonepic.JPG?dl=0
  5. Dead bouquet's lyrics are in the Deep More Deep 3 booklet if anyone wants me to scan that page... I can't translate them but I can get you the kanji.
  6. CPS was definitely the best! Kind of hoping they can get Jimi to come be a part of this... reading his blogs about being in a VK band provided really amazing insight into the scene (and of course made me supremely jealous).
  7. The Reverend

    RIP Definitely one of those people I just assumed was immortal.
  8. The Reverend

    Got my CDs in less than three days from when I first sent a message! Great service/communication/packing. Buy some stuff from @t597
  9. The Reverend

    Haven't listened yet..... so are they not just 'swooshing' between different parts of songs when they can't think of a better transition now?? Awesome review. Out of context I would not get 'that guitar whine thing' but here I can hear it crystal clear haha.
  10. The Reverend

    Haha, made me think of The Onion headline yesterday: "Nation Shudders To Think How Mad NRA Would Be If Obama Actually Proposed Meaningful Gun Control"
  11. Babymetal in NYC two days before Gazette? Might have to make a long weekend out of it.

    1. yakihiko


      I wish to be a place called PlayStation Theater here :D

  12. The Reverend

    Couple things I've never heard that sound intriguing on your list.. will be exploring those more, thanks! I didn't know Braids had a new album out! Funny (probably just to me) story about them. They were playing at a small venue probably two miles from my house in like 2011 (?) and I kept getting excited when I saw the show listed online or on flyers because I thought it was the post-hardcore band Braid who'd gotten back together around then. After being tricked like the fourth freaking time by their similar names I just said 'fuck it' and went to the show anyway. It was pretty awesome and I ended up really liking Native Speaker.
  13. The Reverend

    I enjoyed Perestroika more than Nega. (and I liked Nega!)
  14. The Reverend

    Nice! What do you think of the Emmuree tape?? (Although maybe don't tell me if it's bad 'cause I have a copy headed my way already )
  15. Kowloon Walled City released a new album recently?? I've gotta get on that shit... Container Ships was pretty good.
  16. This sums up my feelings perfectly. I want to like Sukekiyo more than I actually do.
  17. The Reverend

    Nice! This mini will be a good way to start the new year. (still don't think Memphis May Fire are good/important enough to dedicate an actual album track to... we'll see)
  18. "Screw you all Mia looks great" -Kamijo
  19. Hey VK bands autoplay sound/video on your website hasn't been cool for at least a decade! Some of us are wasting time on your site in the office instead of working!

    1. yakihiko


      Lol which band?

    2. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      They definitely aren't the only ones... but Mejibray have an autoplay video.

  20. The Reverend

    What the two dudes on the left couldn't decide which got to Kung Lao that hat in the shot?
  21. The Reverend

    Seriously never even considered NOT calling them 'vee-new' until right now. And I don't know who OLEDICKFOGGY are but I am definitely checking them out immediately... that name is amazing! I can't really define what I think makes a cool band name... nonsensical phrases either really hit or miss with me. I think My Heaven's Luck Sisters is a great band name, but think My Bacteria Heat Island is kinda stupid. There's really no logic.
  22. Thanks for the reco's gentlemen, I don't really keep up with black metal very well but winter puts me in the mood... so will definitely be checking some of these 2015 releases out over the next couple months.
  23. The Reverend

    No VK band has called themselves Hate yet? Huh. Excited to hear hilo will be playing with a new band.
  24. The Reverend

    That's pretty awesome. I'm just (10 years late?) getting into them.
  25. I like supporting j-artists who release stuff at ~$1 per song price points... not to mention they've been cool for a long time and I've never bought any of their stuff. No matter how many times I remind myself it's wrong I can't not say their name as "monorail curve" in my head.
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