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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. Did not realize that Srash Notes Garden album is finally coming out... Thanks eiheartx for keeping that release list updated!

  2. I liked the production on the Cohol album (in general and especially compared to most black metal). Sounds great in my car... though might be dangerous because it can incite some fits of rockin' the fuck out. 'Infrastructure' is one of my fave songs of the year.
  3. What?? I'm going to pretend there's not like some separate venue and that D will playing to throngs of unsuspecting families and little girls surrounded by Hello Kittys.
  4. Local college radio just played some Tricot, hell yeah!

  5. The Reverend

    Had everyone already seen this and I missed it somehow??? LOL, perfect.
  6. Yeah, Grieva had a pretty great year of releases after what, I thought, was a kind of lackluster sophomore album. Good choice. Grieva seemed to nail all the little things too... their looks are really pro, cover art is usually nice, and even the SE tracks are worth a listen or two. (Going back a few days..) Had never heard Pelican Fanclub but am digging the hell out of it. Really like the vocalist for that band.
  7. A countdown to... some very non-committal photos of Kyoka and some others in a studio where they may or may not be recording music that might get released but probably not!
  8. The Reverend

    Girl Power
  9. The Reverend

    Everything about this night, save maybe the bacardi razz, sounds great!
  10. The Reverend

    Haha, nice... they're gonna find out sooner or later anyway. Welcome. (Nearly) 30 yo VK fans stand up!
  11. The Reverend

    QFT. Miko is cute and all but Jyou is the one who brings something special as a vocalist.
  12. The Reverend

    I'm now definitely going to imagine that's why he's left so many freakin' bands. Femme Fatale had a few good tunes but I'll join the chorus hoping this somehow turns into a full-blown Schwarz Stein comeback.
  13. The Reverend

    I'm still (foolishly) hopeful!
  14. Ahhhh VK. "Been a band for about a year and a half? Released 20 songs total? Yep, time for a best album"
  15. New Glassjaw song and tour! One of the few bands I liked as much at 15 as I do now at 30.

  16. The Reverend

    Nice. I don't follow them closely enough to know the rarity of physical releases... but they put on a damn good show last year. Tons of fun.
  17. The Reverend

    Amen. That second track was just too noisy when it was initially released with just vocals and guitar... but now it's almost poppy in places. I love it. (and the whistle in the first track... I can't defend the third though.) November's best new tracks kind of highlighted that I didn't check much new stuff out last month. Definitely need to get on that DOF (multiple,different vocal tracks played on top of one another is one of my favorite things... probably the emo kid in me) and new Mono.
  18. Nice. Hopefully they stick it on itunes again.
  19. I like that every show with three or fewer bands now is billed as 'versus' I like to imagine that the crowd votes at the end for which band was better and they get to keep all the ticket sale $
  20. The Reverend

    Malice Mizer vhs marathon at leaf's house!
  21. The Reverend

    Here's the bandcamp pages for their two releases: Dynamic Nature & White Sky. Unfortunately you can't even buy a digital copy of Dynamic Nature (you can their earlier release though)
  22. The Get Up Kids were one of my first concerts something like (Jesus I'm old...) 16 years ago. Excited to bring it full circle and see them on their 20th anniversary tour in a few weeks! In addition to Sunny Day Real Estate, that you mentioned, some '90s emo and post-hardcore bands I really like that maybe not everyone knows (videos of my fave tracks spoilered, live vids because of course): Texas is the Reason Indian Summer Quicksand Glassjaw Cirlce Takes the Square Ok, I'm done.
  23. The Reverend

    Definitely getting added to an open FJ order, thanks for the heads up!
  24. One of my favorite metal artists who I haven't seen mentioned here, A Pregnant Light, just released a new EP a couple weeks back called All Saints Day and it kind of slays. A Pregnant Light is one dude who does some amazing indie experimental metal (often with black metal vibes). Listen to it on his bandcamp. And if you've never heard them, check out my favorite track 'Ringfinger' below to get a taste.
  25. The Reverend

    Cancer 4 Cure was pretty amazing... and if there's a Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire bandwagon I've been riding it since the Huzzah remix a few years back. Check out his video for (I don't think properly released anywhere) Fat Fool: Breezy/dreamy production and his smart/sarcatic flow on top. Really top-notch. (and less than two minutes if you want a sample of what makes him good without much commitment)
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