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Everything posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. bonsaijodelfisch

    video is whatever, but daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn that song!!!
  2. bonsaijodelfisch

    wow, now this my friends is a goddamn music-video... jeesus you could print every single frame of that MV out as a wallpaper, brilliant sets, lightning, camera, choreography, costumes, makeup etcetcetc... I think they should've perhaps toned a bit down on teh sexy, not because i find it too much or anything, but the inevitable "scandal" or discussion or whatevs will probably distract from just how good this is (let's hope i'm wrong). EDIT: well, that would be self-censorship then though, which sucks even more.. so all thumbs up for ga in and please go on... one of the very few times, that i'm actually interested in finding out the lyrics, to understand all the symbolism... ah yes, i kinda like the song too
  3. bonsaijodelfisch

    if the album is only half as exciting as that trailer it's gonna be a huge step up. here's to being hyped again (after for the last three times swearing to completely give up on this band...)
  4. bonsaijodelfisch

    i listened through this just now, it is indeed as you said very nice for playing it along sth! i had it as background for some let's play videos and interviews, might do that again ^^ keep up the good stuff
  5. bonsaijodelfisch

    i just found some pretty old project of mine on an external HD which is probably about 2010-ish and uploaded it, as i find it pretty decent actually. if i remember correctly this is heavily inspired by MUCC - Soushin no Koe (?) very distorted, gloomy dark rock stuffs
  6. bonsaijodelfisch

    those are some nice lists, will go through them as soon as i'm at home with my stereo again. also i don't really see what's up with that. I found her latest album pretty dope actually, it has 3 or so killer tracks, a bunch of pretty dope ones plus maybe one crappy one. that's fine in my books... I may be biased tho (peeksatavatarandsignature*)
  7. trombe is my favorite trombone

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Wow, you have changed.

  8. bonsaijodelfisch

    is this going to be visual kei's "duke nukem forever"? (EDIT: more fitting analogy would probably be "chinese democracy")
  9. bonsaijodelfisch

    well, time to test out that new soundcloud code of yours monsieur le MH... this was my bachelors-project. originally this is a mix in 9.1 Three-Dimensional-Surround now for us mere mortals I did a stereo-mix aswell, although that's obviously not nearly as impressive as the full thing nonetheless i would recommend good headphones to listen to it, also: more loud = more good
  10. bonsaijodelfisch

    qfft zeitgeist is the most outstanding release though by a mile
  11. bonsaijodelfisch

    i think this might be new sounds nice so far
  12. bonsaijodelfisch

    know of a thing called the alphabet? also, why not?
  13. bonsaijodelfisch

    randomly dropping in here because reasons... maaaaaan i whant that guitar <3 <3 but those duesenbergs are way out of my pricerange. maybe i can spot a decent knockoff somewhere or a broken one...
  14. bonsaijodelfisch

    finally watched gone girl today, man what a great movie. i know some people see some flaws in there with pacing and story inconsistency and they're probably right, still man what a great movie, fincher just always manages to deliver the good stuff. that's totally my kind of movie, i love the characters and or love to hate them
  15. bonsaijodelfisch

    those are some pretty sweet covers! also it's weird hearing something shiina related actually sounding good
  16. bonsaijodelfisch

    finally after 170 hours i finished dragon age inquisition. next on the map is xenoblade chronicles on dolphin emulator seeing how hype everyone seems to be about it... EDIT: i'm not sure if i somehow fucked up the config for my 360-pad, but is it normal that the camera in xenoblade feels like i'm maneuvering a bus through drying slime? it's extremely sluggish wich sucks bigtime and i'm already tempted to ditch it and try sth else, as the performace on the emulator also has some major issues when much is going on...
  17. bonsaijodelfisch

  18. bonsaijodelfisch

    i'm watching exactly those, except for aldnoah as i didn't watch the first season. i'm kind of lukewarm on the most of them so far, but hey, it's only been one episode... assass-classroom was enjoyable, but i'm sceptical if the bonus of it's ridicculous setting and sheer weirdness will carry the attention longer than the first episode, but dunno, the manga is supposed to be really good so i still have my hopes up tokyo ghoul started nice, introduced a shitton of characters and regions and whatnot, so i don't understand anything so far (can't really recall that much plotwise from the ending of last season, so that might be a bit of a problem there ) but it starts with a bang and lots of potential death parade didn't really offer that much so far, as i already knew the OVA or oneshot or whatever, which is basicly the same, just with other candidates. could be cool but the opening makes me fear a bit that the overarching plot might turn out really not that fitting, that's just speculation at this point tho didn't remember durarara beeing so hectic and loud, but really don't remember that much about durarara in the first place, so maybe need to skimm through the first season again. looks fantastic style-wise so far tho. so yeah, nothing here that i'm particularly hype about so far, but lets see where these things are going in the upcoming weeks
  19. we have a TOKYO JIHEN BANNER??? this is brilliant!

    1. Zeus


      yeah it's been there for a week. i announced it here

  20. bonsaijodelfisch

  21. bonsaijodelfisch

    i hust want to add, that my inner 12 year old had to giggle at this pfffffthuehuehue....hue... i'm so sorry, i'll show myself out...
  22. that thing in france profoundly pissed on my mood today, srsly what is this world? what the actual fuck people?

  23. bonsaijodelfisch

    there's one pretty cool MUCC pic with them wearing kimonos somewhere around the internet, which would just be perfect banner-fodder, that'd be my vote
  24. bonsaijodelfisch

    btw here is the full thing https://soundcloud.com/jzharris9/babymetal-road-of-resistance guitarwankery is over 9000! not too fond about the singalong part tho, but i guess this is gonna be kewl at live-shows EDIT: @wikkit below: yep, this is what i was referring to
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