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Everything posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. bonsaijodelfisch

    whoop whoop
  2. bonsaijodelfisch

    the new song "depressive" can be streamed via their labels soundcloud
  3. bonsaijodelfisch

    yeah, it really was one of the (if not THE) most interesting projects out there, despite beeing "just" a sequel to an established franchise. such a shame
  4. nekromancers roaming the forums :D

    1. doombox


      in the wee hours of the morning, when the rest of the forum is sleeping, beni practices her dark gifts. XD

    2. beni


      ender-san, shhhhh. XD

  5. bonsaijodelfisch

    well, there used to be a huge thread about touhou and tons of touhou bands/circles somewhere on this forum, but i think it got deleted at some point. i'll try the short version here in the spoiler, zess can probably give lots more insight.
  6. bonsaijodelfisch

    most have already been named, but regarding dacefloorish stuff these list show an astounding lack of VIXX VIXX - B.O.D.Y VIXX - Secret Night
  7. bonsaijodelfisch

    lol, u mad bro? don't worry, here's help for your spontaneous, incoherent bursts of anger and inferiority complex http://www.amazon.com/X-Cream-Penis-Enlargement-Cream/dp/B00G9GIKTW more on topic the already mentioned "church of misery" are obviously magnificent, and in a similar territory "boris" is a pretty safe bet (although most of their material probably is more on the "experimental/noise" side of things) on the blackmetal (well, post-blackmetal-hardcore-sthsth) frontier "COHOL" is a splendid ensemble, great guitarwork and drumming coupled with some complex, yet easily digestable songwriting. A+ this band "Cyberne" is probably from somewhere in the grind kind of things, which is probably more punk than metal, but whatever. their own genre description range somewhere between "intellectual hyper-extreme" to "tokyo noise ultra terror" or something, i call troll regardless the music is great, they sometimes feature a grad total of three drumkits to blast you with super fast odd timesignature goodness with insane amounts of energy. good stuff funnily enough the truest "metal" thing from a musical standpoint here is some touhou. most of the time i'm not a huge fan of these, because of either some pisspoor production or lazy songwriting (well, -arrangement) or both, but "Demetori" sure is something worth checking out. some of the most epic shreddy kitsch-laden melodic instrumental powermetal one can imagine. there probably won't ever be a post about japanese metal where i don't mention "knellt" super unknown osaka psychedelic doom entity with massive sound, great songs and superbe musicians and vocals. (unfortunately no studio stuffs on utube, but the live gives an impression...)
  8. bonsaijodelfisch

    there can be no other!
  9. bonsaijodelfisch

    also on the more RPG front adding dragon age inquisition dark souls 1 + the newly released dark souls 2 for pc maybe final fantasy XIII and XIII-2 personally i've just finished xenoblade chronicles and it was a blast, was even tempted to do all the endgame stuffs with the uber-bosses, which i usuall don't do, but missed the opportunity to opt out of the storyline and finished it anyways cool game nonetheless, great fighting system and battle/skill customization now finally finishing my year old session of dark souls 1. after such a long skip i'm obviously a bit disconnected to the world, but man i wish i had played it in one go. it's just great (just did artorias in the DLC, man what a bitch...) also playing FFXIII-2 with a friend. not that far in, but i liked 13-1 and the added pokemon aspect of 2 is nice and the refined battle-system in general could become pretty sweet
  10. bonsaijodelfisch

    just watched the first episode of seraph of the end. Didn't expect much, but so far it has me by surprise, some of the background are extremely beautiful and it already goes strong on some pretty heavy themes. will follow this one for a bit and see how it goes
  11. bonsaijodelfisch

    FINALLY! god dammit https://www.facebook.com/cohol.jp/photos/a.259701194116225.64878.259689584117386/805123729573966/?type=1&theater 2nd. ALBUM OUT MAY 29th! Here is our new bomb that will be out from Osmose Productions on May 29! Keep attention and await additional informations... COHOL 2nd. full album [裏現 -Rigen-] ■Track list : 8 songs 1. 冷たい石 -Frozen- 2. 下部構造 – Infrastructure- 3. 暗君 – Chaos Ruler - 4. 地に堕ちる – Depressive - 5. 葬送行進 – Funeral March - 6. 絶えぬ火 – Endless Ember - 7. 病の元型 – Arche Pathogen - 8. 急性期の終わり – The End of Acute Phase- ■Release date : 2015/5/29 on sale! (国内発売日は後日発表) ■Label : Osmose Productions
  12. bonsaijodelfisch

    now that is something that is totally unheard of in anime (or asian popculture in general) also, the show so far also does portray him as rather effeminate and fragile, so the design is pretty much in sync with the characters writing i think... besides that, i've watched this first episode too and i'm not sure, might turn out mildly interesting, but so far seems pretty generic and the 3D-animation is atrocious. CGI has been done better since about 20 years ago. well if story and/or characters make up for it i won't complain. apart from this all the other shows don't even spark my interest in the slightest, is it just me? it all seems to be the usual moe harem whatnot crap seen a million times. might be a good season to catch up on whatever backlog one might have
  13. bonsaijodelfisch

    well..., based on your description it would seem to me that evangelion might be actually the way to go imho... if you do just be sure to scrap the last two episodes for the "end of evangelion" movie. (it's reeally worth the effort, sure the first couple of episodes seem rather dull, but try to give it another chance ) other than that i second saku's recommendation for berserk and ergo proxy and would add to the mix texnolyze kino no tabi monster Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal (!!) as for my most recent anime explorations, I just marathoned Shinsekai Yori and i'm floored. I didn't expect this to be what it turned out to be at all. just upfront it has a few issues, pacing can be a bit bumpy in the first third and also the animation is occasionally a bit cheap. but apart from that wow. The story sort of throws you just in at the beginning, and you have to puzzle the parts of this world together by yourself, which is very appreciated. in general you just sort of understand that people have a kind of power like telekinesis. The world itself seems a bit old-japan-esque and thats about it. you then follow a group of six children (age twelve or so) at their education in sage school for two or three episodes, while some fables get introduced, that serve as a bit of horror and also a bit of mythical backstory maybe, but nothing out of the ordinary so far. you get your first bit of exposition dump by episode four or so and it's all downhill from there on. I don't want to spoil too much, but worth mentioning is that there are a couple (3?) of time-skips that are crucial to the story and you don't have to deal with 12year olds for more than the first 7 episodes. The most amazing thing about this show in general was, how the whole show at all times maintains an overwhelming feeling of unease and helplessness while it's perfectly clear that things are not quite right (they manage to maintain this vibe even in one particular episode that at first glance might seem more like out of a KDrama^^). At the same time the story is of course told by characters that only know this particular setting, so this discrepancy is quite interesting. weirldy enough the animation style reminds more of shoujo type anime which isn't particularly known for depressing dark themed shows and i'm usually not that big a fan of, but here it adds even further to the fascination that i have for this. perhaps this one might be a suggestion for you too @rocketeer Edit: also the music is A+
  14. bonsaijodelfisch

    offtopic: this signatures aspect ratios and general dimensions trigger several of my ocd's (plus: comic sans combo multiplier x10)
  15. bonsaijodelfisch

    well, bruce f*in' campbell as ronald reagan, shit is gonna be brilliant (also 70s ftw!)
  16. just listened to it on their facebook. goddammit this is beautiful, what an a+ band!!! zeitgeist is my absolute favourite of theirs by miles
  17. bonsaijodelfisch

    watching "heard it through the grapevine" right now aswell and i'm amazed. i really didn't expect to like it that much as dramas about the poor girl, saved by rich prince out of her her poorness usually turn out to be incredibly shitty ("heirs" being the main offender from the top of my head), but this is terribly well executed! the characters are all pretty believable, or if not, a nice comedic exaggeration of their archetype. the comedic pacing in itself, the balance with the actual drama is spot on too, and the acting is seriously good from all the involved parties so far. (I can really see how lee joon decided to pursue an acting career opposed to the idol one. he actually DOES act very versatile and convincing...) really huge thumbs up for this, it re-convinced me of kdrama again, as i just thought i somehow couldn't connect to any of them anymore.
  18. bonsaijodelfisch

    just finished Tokyo Ghoul root A and it was pretty meh i have to say. the fights lacked impact, lots of characters lacked emotional attachement, and some that were cool before were pretty much non-existent (Yomo, Gourmet, Uta) or completely annoying in this season (*coughtoukacough*), while a bunch of other side-characters get thrown in without any clue to their motivation or reason. i hope next season gets A LOT better
  19. bonsaijodelfisch

    i'm digging this a lot! hell it's about time for a new EXO album to blow the dust out of my KPOP earcanals... edit: (yt-audio is potato unfortunately...)
  20. x-files coming back, oh my... <3

  21. bonsaijodelfisch

    when someone mentions GitS I usually tend to violently suggest a seriously close look at "Ergo Proxy" if you happen to not having seen that one
  22. bonsaijodelfisch

    personally i had to drop it after 4 or so episodes as i found it extremely predictable and bland (also i hated the maincharacters) but a ton of people seems to really enjoy it, so maybe it'll work for you?
  23. bonsaijodelfisch

    hmmn i think there's a couple of different things at work here that kind of complement each other and result in this quite pleasant performance. first of all the drumbeat seems different then before, at first glance kai seems to squeeze in a lot more kickdrum as opposed to the rce gig (and the studio version) although this might quite possibly be just be a difference in perception because of a difference in the mixing, but nonetheless the experience is notably different. secondly, and perhaps as a result of that, the guitars aswell as the vocals actually fit on the groove and make the overall performance much more "tight" (god i hate that word...). whether this is because of them actually practicing a lot, a different/new onstage monitoring (we can see on pre-/post-2013ish DEG how much of a difference that makes) or maybe just "studio-magic", whatever nobody can complain about any flaw in the instrumentals department as far as i can see. lastly i think, whatever opinion on the last few albums one has, ruki has improved ever so slightly in the shouting department to just tip over from cringeworthy to "hmmn, that works i guess". additionally they buried the shouting parts of the backing vox (looking mainly at you reita) in sort of speakerphone distortion and maybe a bunch of other FX, making them much more bearable than before. this is also just a tiny thing, but enough to tip this track over, especially with one like this, that has so little (if any?) backingtracks... good job gazette (yeah, i'm trying to hype myself a little for the upcoming album i guess ) EDIT: whoa, essay
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